Enugu Ezike Palm Wine (Best Palm Wine in Nigeria)

The Enugu Ezike Palm wine is widely regarded as the best palm wine in Nigeria. It is available in Ikenga Store. Enugu Ezike, also Ezikoba, is famous in AlaIgbo (Igboland), Nigeria and Africa for several reasons, including being the largest single town in Africa. It is also popular as the traditional hub of Igboland. The town has the best Palm wine in Nigeria. Today we are looking at the Enugu Ezike palm wine and are willing to get it to you.

The title of having the best Palm wine in Nigeria is one that is contested. Another remarkable palm wine-producing community in AlaIgbo is the Udi town. The town is a tight contestant in the title of producing the best palm wine. The closest contender to Enugu Ezike in the league of best palm wine in Nigeria would be the Udi town in the same Enugu State. We understand that the title of the best Palm win in Nigeria would, up to a point, be an individual taste and decision. If you’d prefer the Udi palm wine, we can still make it available to you.

Enugu Ezike Palm wine production spans generations. Wine tapping culture is one that has stayed through. It is unsurprising that they have one of the best Palm wines in Nigeria. Palm wine is arguably the most desired alcohol in Nigeria. Ensuring that you drink the best palm wine in Nigeria is our priority.

Health Benefits of the Original Enugu Ezike Palm Wine

Palm wine also has several health advantages. It also has fewer side effects, save for intoxication after excessive consumption. We, however recommend moderate consumption of the Enugu Ezike Palm wine. Any other alcoholic drink should be taken in moderation. The benefits of the wine include its helpful ability on the eyes. Also, it promotes lactation in nursing mothers and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Apart from these mentioned health benefits, several other wonders of the products abound.

Why Buy from Us?

Originality: When we insist that the Enugu Ezike Palm wine is the best palm wine in Nigeria. You want the validation of that claim. We ensure that the palm wine we distribute is the original Ezikoba palm wine. Also, we ensure that our palm wine is not adulterated with water or other substances.

We can guarantee the originality and non-adulteration of our wine. We source from local Palm wine tappers in Ezikoba. We always demand original and unadulterated wine. Our wine is sourced from tappers renowned for originality and non-adulteration.

Price and Affordability

Enugu Ezike Palm wine has no fixed price, even within the locality. The Ikenga Store doesn’t maintain a preorder price for the product. The price varies even between a gallon of the products. This price variation could be a result of the quality, season and demand. Apart from the product’s availability, given the season, ceremonies like marriages and funerals can impact the daily price of the commodity. Prices can change in the local market within a few hours. It is hard to have a stable price even within a day.

Given this reality, our pricing system reflects the reality on the ground for each market day. Despite the unavailability of a preorder price, we maintain that buying from us would give the most affordable price. This is because our store is in the producing community. As noted earlier, we source these products from the locals. Quality is also assured.


While we work to devise a solution for preserving and stabilizing the Enugu Ezike Palm Wine, such an ability has not been fully developed. Shipping the Palm wine over a long distance or time is a huge challenge. Time is very crucial to the quality circle of the palm wine. The action of yeast on sugar triggering fermentation breaks down sugar to form alcohol. It is a natural cycle of the palm wine, which could impact its taste strength and preference.

Given this lack of preservation or effective stabilization of the palm product, the reality poses shipping challenges. For now, the shipping of our palm wine focuses on Nigeria, although international shipping is available for air freight.

We use standard logistic companies to deliver our wine. We also patronize our partner logistic companies. Customers are also at liberty to suggest a convenient shipping method or service.

Are you interested in Buying your Original Enugu Ezike Palm Wine from Us? Click Here to Contact Us and Place Your Order.

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