Abia Innovation Industrial Park; Available Opportunities

The Abia Innovation Industrial Park is an initiative by the Abia state government towards moving Abia into a highly industrialized and productive landscape. With such great and strategic establishments, investors would be trooping into this new landmark, and these investors could be you. Apart from investors, there are ranges of new opportunities as the industrial park is designed with self-sustaining intent, leveraging the economy of scale to create a business environment that would certainly thrive.

The building of the Abia Innovation Industrial Park is such a strategic business settlement that is aimed to encompass all the vital facilities that modern business needs to thrive; this is notwithstanding the proximity of the business layout to Aba and Port Harcourt, two very industrialized and powerful markets in Nigeria. With the Innovation Industrial Park, investors would have access to an existing market a seamless financial, industrial and economic tools that have existed before now.

The Abia Innovation Industrial Park is built to be a complete industrial layout with necessary business facilitating appeal as it is designed to include a mini seaport, a hospitality layout, a light industrial layout, a heavy industrial segment, a residential area and a sporting and relaxation layout, this means that this establishment sitting on about 1000 hectares of land would provide all the necessities of modern society where one can navigate within the emerging urban sprawl, conducting business; leisure while also attending to family in a healthy atmosphere where pollution and environmental safety concern is part of the design priorities.

Why Invest in the Abia Innovation Industrial Park

For investors, the question is more about the safety of investment and profit maximization; Abia state, especially the Enyimba city of Aba, has been a historically industrial and business entity; if you are worried about the safety of your investment or the return of investment, know that it had always been safe to invest in Abia. Now, let’s put out the reasons why investing in the Abia Innovation Industrial Park is worth it and why your choice to invest in the facility in time would prove to be a masterpiece of a decision.

Logistic Coverage

The Abia Innovation Industrial Park is proposed to include a mini seaport covering raw materials, machinery, other equipment and finished goods shipping. The mini seaport would also serve as an import-export channel for the industrial park. This means that shipping goods by water would not be a problem; the existing road network and transportation company would also mean that the industrial park would leverage such existing logistic channels where goods from Aba had earlier been shipped to other places within and outside Nigeria.

Access to Market

The Abia Innovation Industrial Park is situated in an existing market, with proximity to Aba and Port Harcourt. The Abia Innovation Industrial Park satisfies a varying degree of market research and availability; apart from Aba and Port Harcourt, South East Nigeria is another huge market as the region supplies several other parts of Nigeria; this implies that the products and services of the Abia Innovation Industrial Park would already find a waiting market and distribution network.

Availability of Labor

The availability of quality yet cheap workforce is the priority of any avid investor; the Abia Innovation Industrial Park is located in Abia State, South East Nigeria. Southeast Nigeria is reputable for having the highest human development index in Nigeria; coupled with this high human development index is also high population density. The South East is arguably Nigeria’s most densely populated landscape besides Lagos. This high human development index and high population density would translate to the availability of an affordable, quality workforce. As an investor, this should be a motivation to bring your investment to the Abia Innovation Industrial Park.

Employment Opportunity

While looking at the availability of labor, one also has to look at employment opportunities because the government is not just aiming to attract investors at the Abia Innovation Industrial Park but also to attract potential. The industrial park would also bring so many jobs as such that both skilled and semi-skilled laborers would be needed within the facility; this calls for quality people with numerous skills in numerous fields. The facility is opening its doors to investors and people with the on-demand skillset and ready to contribute positively to the society and economy of Abia State, AlaIgbo and Nigeria.

Environmental Friendliness Consideration

The layout of the Abia Innovation Industrial Park is aimed at several environmental efficiencies. There is a heavy industrial segment, a light industrial segment, the residential area, a hospitality area and a recreational or sports area, adjourning a serene environment of water bodies and rainforest, making for the appropriate green and nature balance; this creates an ecosystem of diverse where the work and industrial space is not just secluded from the residential, recreational and hospitality area, there’s also vital greenery to provide both aesthetic and environmental safety balance.

Energy efficiency

The Abia Innovation Industrial Park is to be designed with energy efficiency in mind, to include a modular refinery,  CNG and LPG production facility; the energy efficiency of the facility is such that vital energy requirements of the entire setup could come from the facility system; this is also because the facility may get its power supply or join the geometric Aba power establishment, whichever way, there is potential for uninterrupted power supply within the facility and energy surplus which would create room for not just an efficient system within the facility but also huge energy export.


This and several other reasons are focal points to consider investing in the Industrial Park; apart from investors, there would be several opportunities for skilled and semi-skilled laborers. Also, huge potential awaits the local population, the State government, AlaIgbo and Nigeria when this masterpiece industrial layout follows its proposed setup and comes to fruition. We can all achieve this vision together if investors, developers and laborers play their part; investing in the Innovation Industrial Park would be one decision you would appreciate as it would also benefit humanity.

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