Oji Igbo and Meaning of Oji in Igbo Land; We Can Supply

Oji Igbo is one of the most important plants in Igbo land. It is very crucial to the Igbo culture. Oji in Igbo land is used in welcoming visitors, and praying to the gods, or it can be eaten just for the good of it.

Oji in Igbo: Oji in Igbo is the product of the Oji tree, which has several cultural, traditional and spiritual implications in AlaIgbo. It is the primary object of prayer, spiritual communication and welcoming visitors to Igboland. Oji in Igbo has diverse applications; however, its value is enormous. Apart from its cultural and spiritual use, it is consumed as an edible fruit.

Meaning of Oji in English

Oji in English means Kola Nut. To understand the meaning of Oji in English, one first has to understand the disparity between the Oji tree and the Oji fruit as regards the Igbo culture.

Oji Tree refers to the plant itself that bears the Oji fruit. The meaning of Oji in English may refer to the tree itself or its fruits. Botanically, the meaning of Oji in English may transcend the Igbo translation to mean other classes of Oji species.

Oji in Igbo land may also encompass these plant families; however, not all members of the Oji tree family enjoy the same level of respect in AlaIgbo. For example, the Oji Gworo is another species of the Oji tree more popular among Northerners.

The Oji Tree

The Oji tree is of tropical rainforest origin. This implies that the Oji tree is native to AlaIgbo. Botanically classified as the family of “Cola Acuminata,” the Oji tree produces the Oji fruit, which is highly revered in AlaIgbo.

Apart from the traditional implication of Oji in Igbo land. There are several other reasons why one may need the seed. The Oji tree produces seeds or fruits that are high in caffeine.

The industrial use of Oji tree products is there as the caffeine and other content may find other uses. For whichever purpose you may need your Oji, we are ready and willing to supply it.

Types of Oji Igbo in Igbo Land

They are several types of Oji Igbo each with its special implications. The types of Oji Igbo includes: Oji Ugo, Oji gbara ato, oji gbara ano, Oji gbara asaa.

Meaning of Oji gbara Ise and Others

To find the meaning of Oji gbara Ise, one has to understand the context in which “gbara” is used in the Sentence. In terms of Oji gbara Ise, for example, the sentence is referring to how many lobes the Oji has. Oji gbara Ise means Oji (Kolanut) with five lobes.

Apart from Oji gbara Ise, there are other Kolanut with other numbers of lobes like Oji gbara ato, Oji gbara ano, and Oji gbara asaa. Oji gbara ato means Kolanut with three lobes, Oji gbara ano means Kolanut with four lobes, while Oji gbara asaa means Kolanut with seven lobes. Oji ugo, on the other hand, is not classified by the number of lobes but based on beauty.

Meaning of Oji Ugo

In Igbo culture, Ugo (Eagle) is regarded as the most beautiful of all the birds, possibly the strongest and the king of all birds. This is why Oji Ugo means the Kolanut of the eagle, but beyond the direct translation, Oji Ugo refers to the Kolanut of the best beauty and quality.

Different types of Oji Igbo have different spiritual implications. It is important to understand what each of the Kolanut lobes means before using them for prayers. The spiritual implications of the types of Oji Igbo in Igbo Land, however, are beyond the realm of this store. Our role is to ensure that, for whatever reason you may want the Oji Igbo that we make it available to you.

Why Buy your Oji from us?

As a store dedicated to the promotion and distribution of the products of AlaIgbo and neighboring nationalities, we are the best place to buy your local Nigerian products. Buying from us guarantees peace, knowing that you are buying from the right place that assures quality, value and, of course, cultural appreciation. When you buy from us, you are buying directly from AlaIgbo, where Oji is highly treasured.


The quality of our Oji Igbo is great. Irrespective of the number of lobed Kolanut you may want, whether Oji gbara ato, Oji gbara ano, Oji gbara Ise, or Oji gbara asa, Ikenga store can bring to you great quality Oji Ugo. We also protect our Oji properly from damage, pests and other causative agent of spoilage.


Oji Igbo is very sensitive to environmental factors. To attain the best quality for your Oji while in transit, we package your Oji with protective, waterproof and airtight material. This ensures that your Oji Ugo maintains its great beauty when you receive it.


Nationwide and worldwide delivery is available for our Oji Igbo. Shipping cost applies. You can suggest your preferred shipping service, or we may use renowned shipping services or our logistic partners for shipping.

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