Importing Goods from Nigeria to UK; it is Better With Us

Importing Goods from Nigeria to the UK is Reliable With Us! Try us today and get an amazing delivery experience. We remain the best at that.

Importing goods from Nigeria to the UK is at an all-time high. Nigeria and the UK’s relationship is as great as always. This has been significant in the trade volume between the two countries. Importing goods from Nigeria to the UK is growing and you can key into the trend and make quite a fortune.

Nigeria is the biggest country in Africa by population and several other metrics. Nigeria is also one of the top ten largest countries in the world. The country’s huge population is complemented with abundant resources. This huge population is also supported by the influence Nigeria wields in the continent of Africa.

Nigeria seems to be the most powerful country when it comes to the unrivaled leadership of any continent. There seems a unanimous understanding that Nigeria is indeed the giant of Africa. Several Nigerians especially Igbos and Yorubas live in the UK. This makes Importing goods from Nigeria to the UK a potentially profitable venture.

The Nigerian population in the UK is a huge market of such Imported goods from Nigeria to UK. Many Britons would also find Nigerian products amazing. There’s also a massive industrialization drive going on in Nigeria.

This industrialization is spearheaded by the local Igbo manufacturers. When one thinks about how to Import goods from Nigeria to the UK, one has to be faced with the challenges of how to go about it. We bring you the good news that you don’t have to be present in Nigeria before taking such steps to Import goods from Nigeria to the UK, Ikenga Store is a reliable store located in AlaIgbo, Nigeria dedicated to exporting Nigerian products.

Why Importing goods from Nigeria to the UK is better With Us

At Ikenga Store we always ensure that whatever we are exporting meets the safety and standard requirements of the receiving country. We pride ourselves on quality in everything we do. Importing goods from Nigeria to the UK with us will assure customers of a reliable and hassle-free purchase and delivery process.


Nigeria’s huge population and high unemployment create a population of cheap Labour. This makes products from Nigeria very affordable. Although there’s unstable electricity in Nigeria, up to this moment, electricity and other sources of industrial energy are quite cheap. The abundance of the sun also sees several transitioning to solar energy. This implies that energy is cheap in Nigeria.

With low cost of energy, cheap Labour, and abundant resources, Nigeria is a country with huge and untapped potential. The above-listed scenario makes Nigerian products extremely affordable. When the exchange rate is considered again, one can see a very lucrative venture Importing goods from Nigeria to the UK.


Nigerian products are coming from a place of humble beginnings and keep improving every day. Earlier, Nigerian products have faced international concern; however, conscious steps are being taken to improve Nigerian export quality. Finished products of international standards are emerging from Nigeria every day.

The early bird mindset still applies to Nigeria and Africa. Nigeria especially is growing at a very unprecedented rate. Certainly, the world focus would be turning towards Nigeria as a destination of quality finished goods. From agricultural products, finished goods, and intellectual properties, Nigeria is on a rising spree and entrepreneurs should take advantage of improving quality to look towards Importing goods from Nigeria to the UK.

Processing and Packaging

Depending on the products, when Importing goods from Nigeria to the UK from us, we ensure that we maintain the required packaging standard while paying attention to quality retention while in transit. Depending on the product, some of our agricultural exports like pepper and vegetables have to be dried to remove moisture and prevent spoilage.

We maintain international standards while processing or packaging our products. We also take time to study the UK standard and safety model to ensure its observance while processing and packaging our products. This ensures a reliable channel for Importing goods from Nigeria to the UK.


Shipping to the UK may not be available for all goods categories. This is because, at the moment, not all Nigerian products are allowed entry into the UK. We believe the shipping limitations will improve as we continue to improve our standards.

We use renowned international shipping lines for our UK delivery. We can also use our logistics partners and should customers suggest a convenient logistic firm, we would use such customer preference.

Do you Consider Importing goods from Nigeria to the UK? Click Here to Contact us for further inquiries and to place your Order!

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