Zobo Leaf for Zobo drink production: Order Now!

Zobo drink is one of the most common local beverages in Nigeria. Zobo is produced from the zobo leaf. Zobo drink benefits are numerous. It is a healthy alternative to carbonated drinks and has a unique refreshing taste.

With the increasing hardship in Nigeria, zobo drink has become a more affordable choice for Nigerians. Zobo drink ingredients are all organic and locally available making it better for our health and economy.

A mass trend towards the drink may impact demand and supply and reduce dependence on carbonated beverages. Zobo drink production doesn’t require sophisticated procedures as all Zobo drink ingredients are readily available in most parts of Nigeria.

How I fell in love with Zobo drink

image for zobo drink

My first time drinking Zobo didn’t give the result I desired but later on, I fell in love with the it. Perhaps my first dislike for the drink could be given the quality of the particular zobo I drank at the time; also it could be the thought that the container used in distributing the drink was a used soda drink can.

All these contributed to my dislike of the drink. Fast forward to recently, the price of soda drinks keeps getting higher and you could get three bottles of Zobo drink for the cost of one bottle of most carbonated drinks. At first, I didn’t consider taking Zobo even though the price of other drinks were becoming outrageous in Nigeria. The local availability of Zobo drink ingredients made it way more affordable.

Then lately, zobo started replacing soft drinks in events, like children’s birthdays, group picnics, and other low-budget events. I attended a few such programs where Zobo drink was the only option. At a certain event, I noticed Zobo was the only available beverage. It was a hot afternoon and I was thirsty, I had no other option but to try one of the drinks. The lady in charge of sharing the drink will hand me one.

On opening I realized the bottle was sealed, Oh, I don’t have to worry about who used the bottle earlier. That’s still a concern but chiefly that’s psychological and carries an insignificant risk. But the fact this Zobo drink came in a new bottle was refreshing.

I quickly opened the bottle and took a gulp, Oh my! This drink is far better than the sodas I have been taking. Also considering the Zobo drink benefits, I realized that it could even be a healthier option. I would later inquire how zobo drinks were made, I learned zobo is produced from the zobo leaf or flower.

Distribution Challenge

Although Zobo drink packaging is improving, shipping the drink over a long distance could prove challenging, without preservatives also the drink risks spoiling in transit. We hope soon enough there could be a way out to take the drink further. At IkengaStore we are not able to ship Zobo drinks to a distance at the moment, but we can make the Zobo leaf and other Zobo drink ingredients available to those who may need them.

Zobo drink ingredients

Zobo drink ingredients are easy to access, the primary items include Zobo leaf (Dried Hibiscus petals),  water, pineapple peel or juice, Ginger root, a blending with a bit of Black peppercorn, and a Cinnamon stick. Note that these zobo drink ingredients can be adjusted to taste. Others may consider adding even more ingredients.

What we do exactly is to get your zobo leaf which is the primary ingredient for making the Zobo drink available. To sweeten your zobo drink, you may need to add sugar, others may prefer honey as a zobo drink sweetener. If you would like to buy other Zobo drink ingredients from us, let us know.

Zobo drink benefits

Zobo drink benefits are numerous. First, it is made with organic ingredients. This makes a healthy alternative to carbonated drinks and other soft drinks. Additionally, Zobo drink is good in combating obesity, and improving heart health; some Zobo drink ingredients are known to support the immune system and have antioxidant benefits.

While there are Zobo drink benefits which include numerous Zobo drink health benefits, note that too much consumption of the drink may have negative side effects. Always apply moderation while consuming any product. Such side effects of Zobo drink may include potential drug interaction among other things.

Why Buy Your Zobo Leaf from Us

Zobo is very popular and very affordable in nearly all parts of Nigeria. If there’s anything like quality zobo drink ingredients we are the best place to buy such great zobo leaf. Our products are always of the best standards and we maintain effective packaging for all our products.


Our Zobo leaf and other Zobo ingredients are available for worldwide shipping. We use standard delivery services for our local and international shipments.

If you Would Consider Buying your Zobo drink ingredients, especially Zobo leaf from us, Click Here to Contact Us and Place Your Order!

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