Nzu Calabash Chalk Available

Nzu, also known as calabash chalk, has been a part of the Igbo culture since prehistoric times. Nzu calabash chalk represents many interesting notions in AlaIgbo. Apart from the Igbos, people worldwide also desire it for one reason or the other. Whichever reason one desires it, Ikenga Store is willing to make it accessible to anyone in need.

Brief Significance of Nzu in Igbo Culture

Since there is a clamor for a return to the original and positive aspect of the Igbo culture by a majority of the Igbo population, maybe a bit of understanding of why the Igbos use Nzu, especially from the cultural perspective could help people needing it to identify ways they could use it.

For any people, cultural export is part of the focus of any nation; most times, when we understand the uses of some materials in one culture, we may choose to utilize them either in solidarity with the people of such culture or for other reasons.

In the Igbo culture, Nzu is very symbolic; it is associated with peace, justice, purity, wisdom, and positivity and is a means of contact with the ancestors or the goods. It signifies a warm and welcoming appeal when offered to visitors.

Nzu consumption and risk factors

Several people, including pregnant women, sometimes consume Nzu; the reasons for consumption vary from individual to individual; however, the consumption of Nzu is not always recommended by the Ikenga Store. Production of calabash chalk currently does not take note of the safe level of presence of some usually dangerous impurity content like lead and arsenic; this could present some toxicity to those who consume Nzu, especially for a long period.

Nzu calabash chalk could also be addictive, raising the chances of accumulating such dangerous heavy metals over a long consumption period. We recommend that users stick to the more external and cultural use of the substance; irrespective of user choices, we would still make the substance available to needing individuals.

Why Buy From Us

Like every other thing we sell in Ikenga Store, Our Nzu is sourced from the best quality and is very affordable.


Many factors like quantity and quality determine Nzu’s price; this makes it hard to work with an instant pricing system; however, we can assure you that you will get the best value for your money.


We deliver to any part of the world using world-standard shipping networks and practices; however, you can recommend a convenient shipping service.

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