Oroma Nkirisi (Lime); Available for Purchase

Oroma Nkirisi is the Igbo name for lime. Lime is an acidic citrus fruit believed to have originated from Asia, and you Can buy it here at the Ikenga store. Being a temperate plant, lime grows well in Igboland, where it is used for several purposes, especially as an ingredient for herbal medicine.

image for Oroma Nkirisi

Oroma Nkirisi looks very similar to oranges but much reduced in size and has a sharp, somewhat sour mix of bitter, acidic taste. Unlike oranges, lime isn’t considered sweet. Lime color can range from green to yellow; it turns yellowish when mature (ripe) or approaching spoilage, but even when ripe, lime won’t be sweet like ripe oranges or bananas.

Because Oroma Nkirisi is rich in vitamin C, it supplies quality nutrients to the body. It is also said to be an antioxidant and help boost the immune system. Even with these great benefits of the lime fruit, it should be taken sparingly and not with an empty stomach. Since it is rich in organic acid, it can have a slight chance of upsetting the stomach when taken in excess, especially on an empty stomach.

Irrespective of why you want Oroma Nkirisi, Ikenga Store is ready to supply the fruit in great quality and price.

Why Buy from Us?

Oroma Nkirisi grows in AlaIgbo (Igboland); Ikenga Store is in AlaIgbo; buying from us means that you are getting the fruit at the best quality, freshness and at an affordable rate.


If there’s anything like great quality Oroma Nkirisi, be rest assured that you are getting it from us. You can get both the yellow (ripe) ones and the green and just perfect ones. Our lime fruit is also fresh and can stay a few more days at your end before usage without spoiling. In every one of our products, we always want to ensure that customers are satisfied, and when you buy your Oroma Nkirisi from us, you can trust that you are getting the best quality.


Oroma Nkirisi is seasonal. It is not available throughout the year; this makes for price fluctuations. It is cheaper during its season and scarce off-season. Some Lime trees still bear scanty fruit outside their season, but this is not always guaranteed; as such, in some parts of the year, Oroma Nkirisi may either be scarce or unavailable. Because of this, we don’t maintain a preorder price. Depending on what time of the year, the price may vary. Whatever the case may be, at all times, you are assured of a better price buying from us.


Worldwide shipping is available for our lime fruit. It is possible to ship globally because lime can spend a considerable amount of time without spoiling. Buyers will see to shipping costs. This may impact the overall price of the product.

Want to Buy Your Orama Nkirisi from Us? Click Here to Contact Us and Place your Order!


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