Palm Kernel Oil Available

The use of palm kernel oil in Igboland has been very significant throughout the thousands of years of history of the Igbo nation, especially as it is used in the production of local medicine.

Palm kernel oil is closely related to its brother, “the palm oil” also known as red oil, but different in that while palm oil is gotten from the pulp of the palm fruit, kernel oil is produced from the palm kernel.

The health benefit of kernel oil has been proven;  it is one of the most healthy edible oils alongside palm oil and coconut oil. The oil while having other applications is popular in West Africa for its medicinal use.

image for palm kernel oil

Why Buy Your Kernel Oil from Us?

Irrespective of the reason for your desire to buy kernel oil, we can supply you. You may consider buying from us for the reasons below, and we can supply any quantity you want.


Our kernel oil is of the best quality, produced from fresh palm kernel from Igboland.

100% organic and Hand extracted

Our kernel oil is manually produced without any chemical or additive, retaining its organic components. Hand extracted kernel oil is of the best quality; this would reduce the introduction of impurities and make the oil of better quality.


We do not engage in the practice of adulterating our products, this policy of non-adulteration also applies to our kernel oil. We make sure that our kernel oil is not mixed with any other substance.

Affordability and Price

Given the popularity of palm oil in Igboland, palm kernel oil is mainly reserved for use in local medication and healthcare; however, there are numerous other uses for the oil, and even in some places, it is used for commercial cooking.

The popularity of the palm oil has impacted kernel oil as such that apart from very few local market, finding the oil is very hard; however, most local women knows how to produce kernel oil as it is one of the very crucial substances needed for some children’s medications especially its use in preparing local medicine for ailments like convulsions.

The reality is that it is readily available when needed; however, it is not easily available in the market, making the pricing unknown; however, if anyone needs palm kernel oil, even if we didn’t find it in the market, we would have some local Igbo women produce it.

While not having a universal price or even a price at all, we guarantee that those that need kernel oil and wish to buy from us would get the best quality at an affordable price.


We ship across Nigeria and different parts of the world using world-renowned shipping services, it is also within customer liberty to suggest a convenient shipping service. Shipping may impact the overall price of the commodity, however different shipping arrangements are available.

Patronize us today by ordering your kernel oil from us.

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