9 Yusuful Rules of the OBIdient Revolution in Nigeria (Book)

The Rise of Peter Obi and the subsequent OBIdient Revolution Signifies hope for a country in a quagmire.

The desire for change in Nigerian society has met a ready disciple in Peter Obi. It does seem like a majority of the Nigerian population is staking our destiny on him. Politics, however, is not a jolly go round stuff, sometimes it could be brutal and chaotic as well; with the understanding of the volatile nature of Politics, Alex O. Bells has put up this book to serve as a guide to Peter Obi’s numerous supporters who are mainly young people usually accused of excessive brashness.

As much as we understand the impact of youth and also being that nearly everyone in Nigeria saves for the elites has tested some level of critical suffering owing to failures in different level of governance, there seem to be an understanding of why the youth and a greater majority of the country are agitated; however, despite the glaring pain and suffering witnessed on a daily basis; we still need to apply to constrain in our pursuit of a better country.

The summary is that a revolution is nearly inevitable in Nigeria in particular and Africa in general, and such a revolution should be built around characters with humane and ingenious personalities, foresight and the capacity to translate great vision into reality. A character like Peter Obi, a man who is never tired of seeking wisdom, improvement, learning and advancement, such an OBIdient Revolution needs to ensure that there is enough food for everyone, stable electricity, peace, pride of statehood among Nigerian citizens and a suitable place for our country in the committee of nations.

When we finally find such a person, it becomes important that we borrow a few of his ideologies. Peter Obi is a law-abiding gentleman; as such, his followers would be civil, and we understand the frustrations that have pushed us all into this desire for a savior in the first place, so we understand if all of us are not exactly submissive at first; however, both the submissive, the radicals and pragmatists are important to this movement yet utmost sophistication is more important, we want radicals, docile and pragmatic people, at most we desire pragmatism however rules make men and women out of boys and girls, abiding by rules also makes ladies and gentlemen and that’s exactly how the “9 Yusuful Rules of the OBIdient Revolution in Nigeria” emerged.

This rule, however, does not take away the right to personal safety and protection; to protect your candidate or even others, it simply serves as a guide on broader perspectives. Politics is a crazy game, and there are people out there to destroy the psyche of others, in such a situation OBIdient people have every reason to defend themselves. The Rules are flexible and broad; it is not a personal instruction manual; it is simply mainly applicable from a broad perspective; once things get personal, you have to completely rely on your initiatives, perception of justice and the need to be out of harm to navigate yourself out of any situation OBIdiently.

This book is partly a result of a Crisis Anticipation Studies

Chaos is part of life, and for something as sensitive as reshaping a society, there is too much room for chaos. Apart from the fact that there is the fallout of nearly everything, there are terrible people out there who are enemies of themselves, enemies of the people and enemies of the country; those people are not happy that Nigeria may get better.

Apart from misunderstandings, others may aspire for a different vision; such vision may be good in its way; however, there could be a clash when these divergent worldviews meet at a crossroads if there are no rules to things. On several occasions, even Peter Obi himself has instructed his followers to be civil; however, he may be a nice person, but he may not exactly understand how horrible situations are for even his followers; honestly, it is not easy to remain civil in Nigeria irrespective of that, a little bit of code of conduct may be able to bring new air to the OBIdient movement.

We need rules and constraints in this movement; things can happen quickly, and before you know it, we have ourselves deep into crisis; we are not talking about the financial crisis. We are talking about the potential of lawlessness. The reality is that we live in Nigeria and have seen how fast things can get sour, especially as this OBIdient Revolution seems to be starting with a political revolution.

This rule book stressed several aspects of conducting a peaceful revolution, the boundaries therein as well as the priority of strategic retreat if an unanticipated crisis ensures and with stealth intelligence equipped with classic conduct of a civilized people in agony; noting that while we are being civil up to the point of trying to conduct ourselves in civility, we can’t certainly say that others are willing to be civil, as such we also wish to unravel crises before they become potent, there would be further measures, incentives and enlightenment on the subject of crisis anticipation and control beyond these “9 Yusuful Rules of the OBIdient Revolution in Nigeria” which for now we trust that patriotic Nigerian agencies are also brainstorming continuously on broader crisis analysis and control.

After reading this book, you would realize the critical need for the OBIdient revolution in Nigeria and why such a precious movement needs to be jealously guarded through a refined set of rules, the chances of undermining our movement would be greatly reduced if a majority of the OBIdient people conduct appropriately. With these nine rules, the OBIdient Revolution will be a success which would translate to saving Nigeria and, to an extent Africa. The print version of this book is available in Nigeria, while both Print-on-demand and eBook versions are available on Amazon. ORDER Your  Nigerian print copy NOW!… You may also view the book on Amazon.

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