This course, “Learn Amazon Kindle the hard Way” is structured to introduce you to Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) and guide you until you earn your first $1.
This course is for serious-minded people who wish to earn money by writing quality books and publishing through the Amazon Kindle. It is not for the lazy get, rich quick minded individuals; rather, it is for intelligent people who aspire for self-development and hard work.

Writers can today make money by writing and publishing on Amazon using the Amazon KDP program.
Now that you may have chosen to learn Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing the hard way, let’s start with a bit of introduction.
What is Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)?
KDP stands for Kindle Direct Publishing; it is an amazon program for indie (independent) authors, also known as self-publishers, who wish to leverage the wide reach of the amazon eCommerce platform to reach diverse readers across the globe.
Although Amazon Kindle Publishing has a special interest in readable eBooks with the Amazon Kindle Device, a greater part of the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is expanded to diverse publishing categories, including Paperback and Hardcover that are printed on demand as well as Audiobooks.
Requirements for learning and Publishing on the Amazon Kindle Publishing
Now that you have learned a little about Amazon KDP, let’s delve into the requirements needed to be a successful candidate for the Amazon Publishing career; these requirements are also a basic training focus and will guide you in the long run when you Learn Amazon Kindle publishing. Before deciding on learning Amazon publishing, some basic requirements are needed to guarantee success, including…
An Amazon or Amazon KDP Account
It is highly recommended that before you Learn Amazon Kindle Publishing, you ought to already have an amazon account; however, if you are yet to create a KDP account, you may do so by visiting the Amazon KDP website, you may also sign in to the KDP with your Amazon account if you already have an account previously with Amazon. Once you are done with creating your amazon account and completing several steps like your banking details, you are all set for Amazon KDP.
Note: Your banking details on Amazon are usually sorted out through virtual banking systems like Payoneer, especially for Amazon sellers domiciled outside the United States. if you don’t already have a Payoneer or other Virtual bank account, note beforehand that they may require verification using significant means of identification of your country of domicile.
Be an Avid Reader
Although there are natural-born writers, people who enjoy reading tend to be better writers, reading will open one up to other authors’ tones and improve your vocabulary and your authorial flow. It will also open you to a wide range of ideas.
Have Passion for Writing
Succeeding in Amazon KDP requires a lot of passion and dedication; unlike traditional publishing, one book can make you a superstar and established author, but with Amazon Kindle Publishing, succeeding requires much more hard work.
Traditional publishing houses take up a few books at a time and dedicate enormous resources to promote such books; however, with Amazon, your book would be published in the pool of thousands of publishers, all struggling to make sales in the same marketplace.
A passion for writing is the most crucial aspect of succeeding in Amazon. While one can be lucky to succeed with very few books on Amazon, a substantial income is a mix of hard work, quality content, dedication and at least ten great books; there is no shortcut to it be ready to work hard.
Network With Other KDP authors
My journey through KDP was not easy; I first heard about KDP in 2014; however, I was not able to publish my first book until 2019, after I was introduced to a KDP group founded by Mr. (Pastor) Daniel, finding myself in the group changed my whole writing orientation. In the group, I learned that writing for KDP takes a different approach.
If Possible, find a Mentor or a Personal Coach.
There is this distinction between a mentor and a coach that usually gets people confused on whether what they need is a mentor or a coach, and often this distinction takes away even the ability of your amazon tutor to understand how to help you.
Do You Need a mentor or a Coach as you Learn Amazon Kindle Publishing? Or do you need both?
A mentor, as regards this article, is someone who is in the same field as you and maybe in active or passive practice; your mentor seemingly has some level of superior experience in the field; a coach, however, may or may not be in any practical experience but has the right amount of knowledge to guide you through, to understand the distinction clearly, not all football coaches are professional footballers but for you to mentor someone in football, you ought to be a better player.
Sometimes we expect our coach to be our mentor or expect our mentor to be our coach; the fact is that coaches are more dedicated because your mentor is also struggling in the business. While your mentor may require payment, it is not unusual for mentorship to be earned in kind, and while your coach may also offer free coaching, coaching is mainly a cash payment system.
Storming the KDP group really offered me a lot of chances; it offered me the opportunity to have mentors; I was lucky to have two Mentors, Mr. Eze King Eke and Tolah. These two were always there to navigate me through a series of difficulties. While I write and publish on Amazon, I wish to be more dedicated to coaching, which means I’m focused on gaining new knowledge that would help would be Amazon Kindle Publishers; at the same time, I have practical experience in the business.
Be Tech Savvy
Being an independent publisher requires a bit of technical know-how, especially regarding computer use and certain software and network solutions. Succeeding in Amazon KDP requires at least basic computer skills; unless you outsource, you will be responsible for nearly all aspects of your publishing, from writing to formatting to proofreading, publishing, promotion and sales; these steps require substantial computer knowledge.
Anyone wishing to succeed in Amazon KDP should not just own a computer but also be conversant in using some software like word processors, for example, Microsoft office word, up-to-date internet browsers, basic to advanced graphic design software with the required experience and a lot more.
Exercise Patience
This is a must-have quality for any writer or anyone at all who wish to make a name or a living through writing; patience is key; first, be patient with yourself and understand that every writer is different as such, requires some level of ease with self, apart from being patient as a writer, if you wish to earn from Amazon using KDP, you have to learn to wait and work even harder.
The hardest part of book writing is starting, while the second hardest is continuing. For Amazon KDP writers who are geared towards making money, you need to understand that the money comes slowest. Still, if you do the right thing with the dedication to quality and originality, eventually, the money will come. You would appreciate yourself for starting and not quitting along the line.
Learn to be Original
The world is still evolving, and it may seem like everything that can happen has happened, but far from that, we are just living in a world where very little has happened, which means much more are yet to come. Perhaps for some reason, we may choose even to believe that everything that has happened before then we lives in a world of stories, so how do you tell your story? With Amazon, you have to tell your story entirely differently; if you are to tell a story, either you be the first to tell it or make it unique.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I become an Amazon KDP indie publisher with just my smartphone?
While smartphones have always become applicable for different aspects of life, it is still evolving and may not be ideal in all scenario for now; that notwithstanding, smartphones are very instrumental in the amazon KDP business as they help writers work on the go by using mobile apps for word processing and even previewing ebooks.
Despite these very helpful aspects of the mobile phone for the KDP business, it still has several limitations that make it not the best option for the self-publishers; mobile phones are still not so effective in things like formatting Microsoft word documents, so aspiring authors who wish to leverage amazon KDP should at least get a basic PC. Another alternative for those who do not have access to a computer at the moment is to find someone to format the work.
NOTE do not sign in to your Amazon account on different devices as Amazon frowns at multiple accounts, and using multiple computers could raise a false alarm of using multiple accounts, especially if the second computer has an Amazon account already signed in on it.
Must I be a writer to Succeed in Amazon KDP?
You must be a writer directly or indirectly to succeed in Amazon KDP. When I say being a writer directly or indirectly, it means either you are a writer yourself or have someone write for you through outsourcing a ghostwriter or by other means; however, be vigilant with your Ghostwriters to ensure that their work is original and free of plagiarism. There are some plagiarism checkers out there you can leverage; both paid and free plagiarism checkers abound.
How Long Does it Take to Earn With KDP?
It takes an average of 9 months to earn substantial income from KDP; however, this time frame can be impacted greatly depending on the approach and individual abilities; it could be as short as four months or even less; however, such fit is usually a product of dedication, quality contents, marketing and then luck. This course, “learn Amazon publishing the hard way,” is designed to reduce the period between your entry into the self-publishing industry and earning.
Course outline
Writers’ Refresh
This aspect of the package is aimed to brush up on beginner writers or refresh experienced ones. This part of the package is very important because once you aim for the KDP and to earn through writing, you ought to be a writer beforehand; this part of the package is to awaken the writer in you.
Creative and Advanced Writing
Let’s activate the writing machine in you. Like my friends would tell me, even in ordinary WhatsApp messages, you write a book. Earning through Amazon KDP requires a lot of writing; as such, you have got to fall in love with writing because the more you write, the better you become. This part of the package is designed to equip you with idea generation, diverse writing, complex paraphrasing and solution writing.
Microsoft Word for Publishers and Graphics Design
At this stage, you are brushed through the two of the most critical tools in this career (Microsoft word and graphics design software, photoshop CS6 would be used during this training).
This aspect of the training is very crucial because while some people are already conversant with Microsoft word, publishing a book is different from everyday usage, in publishing we seek aesthetics, getting close to perfection as possible; for this reason, there are several features to be explored as such there is need for a dedicated revisiting towards Microsoft word with publishing in mind.
Introduction to KDP Tools
Every endeavor has tools associated with them; KDP is not quite different. These tools would help you become a better writer and even earn more, there are numerous tools, and although there are free, some of these tools are paid. KDPP is a business where free services and products can get you started, but along the line, you may need to make investments to improve your work and earnings.
KDP Proper
At this stage, you get to the day’s business by combining everything you have learned to create publish-ready content. This stage will guide you through making your contents into a publish-ready book, at this point in the Learn Amazon Kindle the hard way program, you will be able to format and organize your books for both ebook and print-on-demand copies like paperback and hardcover.
As you keep progressing through each stage of the training, finally it is time to get your work published. hoping that you already have an Amazon KDP account set up at this stage, we would proceed to your first publication. Publishing eBooks are a lot easier than publishing paperback however, if you paid attention to the rest of the training, you would be able to publish both your ebooks and paperback on Amazon, remember always to pay attention to originality.
Remember to always write as if you are the one bringing out your hard-earned money to buy your books because, in the end, your audience may be angry with you if your work is a lot less than their pay, in clear terms, make your work worth their pay, build a mindset that you really want to satisfy your audience, diligently be committed to producing works that add values to your would-be audience because unsatisfied customers are the greatest undoing to KDP business as frustrated customers may take action that may impair your earnings or hurt your Amazon KDP account like leaving a negative review and more.
Protecting Your KDP account
With Amazon KDP, while the journey usually starts with creating an Amazon KDP account, the most crucial and usually difficult task is protecting your Amazon KDP account. Apart from protecting your account from unauthorized access and other malicious situations, you also have some responsibility for your KDP account, KDP account banning is real and it hurts real deep, it is not an experience you wish to have firsthand so this training is also going to teach you how to be responsible with your Amazon KDP account.
Although KDP terms and conditions spell out what can and cannot be done in KDP, these things just like most other terms and conditions are not easily understood, when you Learn Amazon Kindle publishing the right way, you would be able to protect your account right from the very start by having the KDP terms broken down in easily understood form.
Promotion and Improved Earnings
Earning is a major motivation in the KDP publishing industry, when you chose to learn Amazon Kindle Publishing the hard way, earning an extra income could be part of your inspiration, although this package promised to guide you until you earn your first 1$ on KDP, what you can become onwards will depend a lot on how far you wish to go. So many people earn substantial income from Amazon and I don’t see why you shouldn’t. Later in this package, you would learn about how you could improve your earnings by leveraging both different methods of promotion.
KDP advanced Topics and Tips
This aspect would teach some advanced methods, tips and tricks that would improve sales and general success in the KDP journey for both newbies and experienced.
Introduction to KDP network
If you performed well during the course, you may be lucky to join one of the prime KDP groups where you would meet seasoned KDP authors. This Couse (Learn Amazon Publishing the Hard Way) is offered by Alex O. Bells…
Price: N15,000.00 (Fifteen thousand Nigerian Naira).
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In case you chose to join Amazon KDP but for some reason, you don’t wish to do the writing yourself, you may check out my ghostwriting service here.