The Unavoidable Russia and Ukraine War (Book)

The Russia and Ukraine War had been going on for quite a while; everybody wins and loses in war, so apparently, each side got some wins and losses to discuss.

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The deployment of propaganda in warfare has been crucial throughout history; such propaganda has been an effective weapon of warfare that has masked conflicts of common truth; however, truth is not the most important thing in war because both parties most likely know the truth of the matter yet prefer to pretend ignorant of each other’s concern.

The most important thing in war is winning, not just winning the enemy but winning more friends; sometimes allies play a more decisive role than the actual foe; in a bid to win more friends, more allies and support, conspiracies and propaganda are usually deployed to convince the undecided and uninformed folks.

Propaganda has played a significant role throughout the Russia and Ukraine war; with the Western propaganda offensive being matched in almost equal force by the Russian counterpart, common truth is scarce in the conflict.

In this book, Alex O. Bells takes extra steps to look into the Russian and Ukraine situation objectively. The reality is such that most parts of the first and second world countries had taken sides in this particular conflict; it doesn’t also feel ideal for a Nigerian to write about the situation, whether neutral or not, as we are a little off from the eyes of the storm, however, if the world wants a preferential account then they should stick to the lies being spread by either the Russian side or stick to watching from Ukraine and their Western allies propaganda.

From the unset, the biggest lie to the Russia and Ukraine war is that the war was avoidable; Russia had tried to tell us how the war was avoidable had Ukraine not brought the Western enemies of Russia to the Russian boarders while Ukraine is making it seem like the war was avoidable until Russia invaded the country.

How about the stealth approach by Ukraine, making it seem like the country was completely unaware of Russia’s invasion plan? Meanwhile, Ukraine has prepared for the war since 2014, when Russia annexed Crimea.

Another twist to the war was the involvement of the United States and NATO; while it may seem like the United States and NATO tricked Ukraine into the war, the reality was that Ukraine deliberately dragged the United States and NATO into the war; it is real that the United States had been looking for an opportunity to take some pounds of flesh off Russia since the days of Fidel Castro and the USSR however the confrontation with Russia over Ukraine is not one of such opportunities that the United States had been looking for, that’s because Russia’s war with Ukraine has a lot of crucial interest that goes beyond the global power tussle.

It is much of an existential threat to both parties of Ukraine and Russia, which would eventually threaten the United States, NATO and European Union countries if the war is prolonged; in Reality, the United States, the NATO and the European Union are not interested in a prolonged conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

This book (Unavoidable Russia and Ukraine War) is written with a meticulous approach while looking at the concerns of both the Russian and Ukraine side and then the possible futuristic events. The book is for you if you wish to see beyond what the major players in the Russia and Ukraine War want you to see.

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