Before we show you what we have in stock in our dress like Biafrans collections, let’s tell you a little about Biafra. Although Biafra is not synonymous with AlaIgbo or Igbo People, it is often hard to distinguish between the two. Biafra was a country that existed between 1967 and 1970 after the Eastern Region of Nigeria seceded from the Federal Republic of Nigeria through three years of bloody civil war.
Today the agitation for Biafra is as strong as ever, after more than 50 years of the last surrender to the Federal Republic of Nigeria, so many diehard Biafrans had metamorphosed into a group of global syndicates of a passionate network of indigenous people from the Defunct Biafran territories the most prominent of them all is the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) an international organisation that had rendered the mighty Nigerian government into a hide and seek game. the IPOB is led by a very controversial personality in the person of Mazzi Nnamdi Kanu.
What most people are yet to understand is that the Igbos are both the engine of Nigeria and Biafra, while the Igbos are divided as a majority of the elderly elites today are rooted in Nigeria, majority of the younger generation are more familiar with Biafra while the greater majority are sitting on the fence.
The Biafran war is on like never before but today it is more about a small pocket of violence and wars in different dimensions.
This war is quite interesting as Igbo province wishes to bank on the positive sides of it to bring awesome development to AlaIgbo, my wish is that the war could shift towards ideological warfare, positive competition and economic stimulating warfare rather than the characteristic bloodletting of the distance and recent past.
Every day there are new trends in Biafra and then the paranoia of the Nigerian side and the daring nature of the Biafrans make it all interesting. The Biafran outfit is usually inspired by passion, trends, support and sentiments so I know that it is quite a secure sector as satisfaction always comes with the Biafran solidarity and today we people are what they feel and then the Dress Like Biafrans trend has come to stay.
Today we bring fashion trends that we can also deliver to you at very affordable prices, we are inspired by industry and in a bid to make sure that these materials reach everyone that needs it.
Below are some of our hot picks of the week.
These clothes are grouped into 3 Categories
Home outfits: Home outfits are those outfits that you can easily wear within the home region of the East, these include Biafran coloured clothes but without Biafra Written on them, mostly just the half of a yellow sun is enough.

Away Outfit: This group of outfits is won in solidarity with events on the trend, this one is usually won while in other regions within Nigeria, for example, The Dot Nation TShirt, the trending Fendi Outfit won by The Leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (Mazi Nnamdi Kanu).

International Outfit: The International outfit is more pronounced and boldly signify Biafra or even the IPOB, for now, it is not advisable to try this one in Nigeria, This one is for those that are already outside the shores of Nigeria, be warned that Biafran apparel can get you into trouble especially if you are in Nigeria and wearing the home outfit in other territories could get you in real deep but then who Am I to defined your troubles.
Why Do You need our locally made Biafran outfit?
We do understand that people’s need to dress in a certain way is unquenchable but we also know that some of these items are really costly, take for instance the designer Fendi Kanu Puts on but we are Igbo people, we are ingenious and we can always improvise, we would bring you these outfits.
Is it legal to Dress Like Biafrans?
The fact is that being Biafra and Nigeria is still in a sort of cold war, it could go as confrontational but it is not illegal. You need to have it at the back of your mind that the Nigerian side is scared and fear can do in a minute what courage can not do in a week when they clamp down on you as a Biafran, it could be as a result of fear and irrational fear could be dangerous. The reality is that you might already find yourself in a sorry state before you get to the legality of the situation and as a characteristic of Nigeria, Justice is usually slow so unless you are prepared for whatever comes, these outfits are not for everyone.
Why Buy Biafran Solidarity Materials
These materials are usually made in AlaIgbo, some part of my reason may not go down well with Biafrans or Nigerians but buying these Biafran outfits actually improves the economy of AlaIgbo in particular and Nigeria in general, our passion to use and associate with local products is a real good sign of nationalism and as such except for the instinctive fear of the Nigerian side, the idea of Biafra is actually good for Nigeria.
How can I get my Biafran Wears so that I can Dress Like Biafrans?
Ikengastore has several professional clothes makers both for adult males and females and also children of both gender as such once you place your order, your outfit would be delivered to you in no time.