Abacha Food (African Salad) Available

Abacha Food is one of the most popular foods in AlaIgbo, prepared in different ways and available in the Ikenga Store at an affordable rate. Among the many staple foods in Igboland, Abacha takes a unique place owing to the variety of ways it could be prepared and its availability, simplicity and affordability.

image for Raw Abacha Food

Abacha food is also very nutritious and easy to prepare. Abacha, renowned for its nutritional value and ease of preparation, features a collection of essential minerals as it offers a mix of calcium, magnesium, sodium,  iron, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, zinc, and phosphorus. Moreover, since Abacha is made from cassava, it provides additional nutritional benefits, serving as a source of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and more.

image for abacha food cuisine

Abacha food Cuisine can be prepared in several appetizing ways, regarded as African Salad for the very different nutritious and delicious ways it can be prepared with different ingredients. Having said a lot about Abacha, let’s talk about why you should buy your raw Abacha from us.

Why Buy Your Raw Abacha From Us

Abacha is mostly processed in AlaIgbo (Igboland) also South East Nigeria, where our store is located; apart from being of the best quality, we also assure you that irrespective of the quantity of raw Abacha food that you may want, it would be available at the best quality.


Raw Abacha Food does not have a standard pricing system; the price can also vary depending on where one is buying from, but being that Ikenga Store sources our Abacha from the very processing community, our price is quite affordable; also, it should be noted that quantity impacts price as such it would be difficult for us at Ikenga Store to give preorder pricing; irrespective of this absence of preorder pricing system in our store, we guarantee that you would get the best quality Raw Abacha food from us.


Although Abacha food is one of the very foods that is generally hard to lose quality, we still need to stress that if there’s anything out there as quality raw Abacha, the Ikenga Store will supply the best quality. Our primary objective is to supply quality; as such, we need to stress that our Abacha is of the best standard. We also need to assert that generally, Abacha food, having very little need for preservatives and hardly susceptible to spoilage, is one of the foods out there that can retain its quality for a prolonged period.

At Ikenga Store, however, we take extra care to ensure that whatever we distribute is of the best quality and our raw Abacha food stands out.


Since Abacha is not easily perishable, global shipping is available for the food product. You can order your Abacha from any part of the world, knowing that we will get it to you in good condition. We can use your suggested delivery services, any of the standard delivery services or our partner delivery services, whichever way; we are a committed company and will follow up on your order and delivery process until your consignment gets to you.

Perhaps you wish to learn how to prepare numerous abacha food cuisine; you may want to look up Hossana Recipe Here

If You are interested in Buying Your Abacha From Us, Click Here to Contact Us and Order Now!

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