Ose Nsukka (Nsukka Pepper) Available

The Ose Nsukka is a species of pepper native to the Nsukka area of AlaIgbo, Nigeria. It is reddish or yellowish when mature and very tasty for your meals. It is one of the best pepper species around the world. Our Ose Nsukka is available as fresh, dried and as seeds; you can buy the seed for planting. Although this pepper type is native to Nsukka, it can also survive and perform well in varying geographic conditions and environments; as such, you can buy fresh, dried and Ose Nsukka seeds from us.

image for Ose Nsukka

The fresh Ose Nsukka especially is very delicious when used in your cooking; it gives your meal a unique sensation. The Ose Nsukka stands out as a spice; you can be assured of a thrilling and tasty cooking outcome when you prepare your meal with it.

Ikenga Store is an AlaIgbot first store, yet we are not singing praises of the Ose Nsukka because it is native to AlaIgbo; this pepper is great, and you would not know what you are missing in not using it until you use it, that’s when you will realize what you have been missing. If you have not tried the Ose Nsukka before, then now is the time to try it, but if you have been using it and want to buy it, we are here for you.

Why Buy Your Ose Nsukka from Us

Ose Nsukka is native to Nsukka, AlaIgbo, Nigeria; additionally, the Nsukka area is the highest producer of the particular pepper in the country. Nsukka is in AlaIgbo, just like the Ikenga Store; as such, we assure local and international patronage of the best practices, quality, affordability and swift delivery.


Our Ose Nsukka maintains great quality; our dried variety is properly dried with a combination of sun and electricity so that the dried varieties last longer. The seed variety is mature and fertile, so germination and proper performance are ensured when cultivated. Our fresh pepper maintains its freshness while shipping, although this can’t be entirely guaranteed if it will stay long in transit or before use.


Our Ose Nsukka is relatively affordable; since our store is located within the producing community, we get and distribute the farm produce at a relatively cheaper price. When you buy from us, it is as good as buying directly from the farms as we have farms that are our partners and always treat us as priority customers; we get our product in the best quality and at an affordable rate.


We don’t maintain a preorder price for our Ose Nsukka because we cannot determine the quantity demanded beforehand. The price of the farm produce varies even within the same season; while dry season farming is possible in the riverine communities and the pepper is almost available all through the year, the price and availability vary through the year. For this reason, we are not able to maintain a preorder price.


Delivery for the seed and dried Ose Nsukka is available for global shipping; this is given the ability of the seed and dried varieties to stay for a prolonged period without spoilage. Shipping for the fresh varieties is also available for local and international shipping; however, it has to be under some conditions. Nevertheless, we have been shipping fresh pepper overseas for some time now through a freeze-and-ship practice we have adopted under waterproof packaging.

The delivery of the three common varieties is available for international shipping; however, we guarantee the best condition for the dried and seed category. Our fresh category has also seen more effective international delivery given our improved practice.

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