Uziza seeds Available

Welcome to Ikenga Store; if you are looking for Uziza seeds, you may contact Us; otherwise, if you wish to learn more about Uziza, you may continue reading.

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Uziza seeds are small black seeds obtained from the plant Piper guineense, native to West Africa and AlaIgbo in particular. The seeds are a popular Igbo cuisine spice known for their strong aroma and spicy flavor. Uziza seeds are often used in soups, stews, and sauces to add a unique flavor and heat to dishes. Uziza seeds have a pungent taste. They are typically used in small quantities due to their strong flavor. The seeds can be used whole or ground into a powder before adding them to dishes.

Besides their use in cooking, uziza seeds are also believed to have medicinal properties. Traditional medicine often uses them to treat stomachaches, indigestion, and flatulence. However, it’s important to note that scientific research on the specific health benefits of uziza seeds is limited, and it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before using any herbal remedies. When using uziza seeds in your cooking, it’s recommended to start with a small amount and gradually adjust to your desired level of spiciness. They can be added directly to dishes or toasted lightly in a dry pan to enhance flavor.

Now that you have come this far reading about Uziza let’s tell you why you should buy from us.

Why Buy From Ikenga Store?

We are known for our quality products as we strive to maintain standards in all our products; our Uziza comes directly from AlaIgbo, where Uziza grows naturally; this means that our Uziza is not preservative-laden, thereby making it healthy for consumption; also, we pay attention to international standards in all our products.


Most of our products have no instant pricing, and our Uziza seeds won’t be an exception; it is not unusual for us not to attach price tags on products as most local products have no international price; in this case, we can only assure our costumers that we offer the best quantity and quality for a considerate price; generally, our products are relatively affordable.


We use our delivery partners to get your goods to any part of the world in great condition; however, you can suggest a convenient delivery service.

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