Igbo Apprenticeship System Enrollment

The Igbo apprenticeship system, also known as “Imu Afia”, “Igba Odibo”, and “Igba Boi” in the Igbo Language, has become a global business model. Ikenga Store, as a business focused on the entrepreneurial spirit of the Igbo Nation, would take it a bit further. This business model originated among the Igbos and was popularized after the Nigerian/Biafran civil war that put the Igbo at a serious economic disadvantage; with the business model, the Igbo Nation was able to recover and even lead economically in Nigeria again.

Today the Igbo apprenticeship system has become a reputable academic development even in far away Harvard University. As societies change, even systems have to be remodeled. International studies of the system mean that we could face foreign competition in the development of the model. Although the business model has created many millionaires and even billionaires in Igboland, our ability to preserve it as one of our inventions could push our economy for the better.

Through the Ikenga Store and the Ikenga Business School, the Igbo province of Nigeria seeks to continue improving the Igbo apprenticeship system practically to meet up with an ever-evolving world. This business model originated from the Igbo people of Eastern Nigeria, and perhaps anyone who wants to have practical experience in a practical environment, Igboland is the best place to take studies in the Igbo apprenticeship system.

Apart from accepting enrollment into the business environment, we also support scholars or researchers who wish to learn more about this beautiful approach to business pioneered by the Igbo People.

The Ikenga Igbo Apprenticeship System School is open for enrollment of both researchers and students. Online training and certification would be available, while practical enrollment in any trade of student choice would be facilitated after an examination is conducted.

Ikenga Store as a meeting point for different classes of business and business leaders in Igboland fashions the study programs in easy, understandable syllables aimed to educate people from different levels of learning.

For those who wish for practical experience, our business networks provide an avenue to enroll such individuals in a business in their area of choice; this aspect is mainly for younger people who are getting started with life and willing to spend some time living with their business masters or mistresses however the independent student or craftsman category does not require trainees living with their boss or mistress. With this, we arrive at four enrollment categories in the Igbo Apprenticeship system.

Note that all categories apart from one requires students or researchers to pay tuition, while the real apprenticeship system will require that students be paid a certain amount in a settlement at the end of studies.

First Category

Online Enrollment and Certification: With the Ikenga Store as a storefront of the Igbo Nation, the online approach to the Igbo apprenticeship system is now a reality; students and researchers can enroll in the program from any part of the world and be taught by business leaders from Igboland.

This approach enables students and researchers to collaborate with Igbo business people with practical experience in the business model and raised businessmen and women. The online study is a six months program designed to give people with prior business experience or business scholars a guided approach to the business model so that they may establish and run businesses using the cost-effective Igbo business model.

Category Two

Real-time business Classes on the Igbo Apprenticeship System: This part is available to scholars and researchers who wish to learn more about the Igbo apprenticeship system by visiting AlaIgbo; with this approach, real-time touring of the major markets in Igboland and meeting business leaders who were raised and also raising businessmen and women through the Igbo apprenticeship system would be conducted.

Category Three 

Independent Student or Craftsman: This category is most suitable for those with the capital to start such business, craft or trade but needs to acquire the knowledge of such craft or business. The independent student sees to his or her accommodation, feeding and other need; at the end, a certain amount is paid in settlement to the master. The independent category is most suitable for individuals with the capital and prior experience in life who wish to become business owners.

Category Four

Traditional Apprenticeship  Enrollment: For now, real-time enrollment is available only in Nigeria and follows strict examinations of intending students. With real-time enrollment, the student would have to leave his house and move in with the business master; often, there is financial settlement after the student completes the training.

The role of Ikenga Business School is to facilitate the process whereby the intending student is enrolled in their business of choice and also ensure legal and other forms of protection for both the student and the masters; also, the student who enrolled through the Ikenga Business School would be ensured of better treatment as our monitoring team would be checking up on student and businessman periodically, at the end student apart from getting their required settlement would also get certification from the Ikenga Igbo Apprenticeship System business school.

With the Ikenga Business School, student performance would be assessed over the years and would be certified after the years of the program, which is usually between five to eight years; within these years, Ikenga Business School would also be giving online classes to students who enrolled through the store. With this, students who enrolled through Ikenga Business School would get access to an internet-enabled device which would be submitted back to their masters after each class and returned to them during the next class. This ensures that the student does not use the devices provided to them for other purposes besides their intended classes.

Also, With Ikenga Business School, non-settlement of Igbo apprenticeship system students would be a thing of the past; at any time when you are leaving your master’s house, you are assured of some settlement unless there are proven records of gross misconduct or other forms of malpractice.

Enroll today for the business of your choice leveraging the Igbo Apprenticeship System; You can enroll yourself or even your ward. Contact Ikenga Store Now for Enrolment 

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