Innoson Electric Car Review; Purchase Information

The race for electric cars is on across the globe and Innoson electric cars seem to be the new kid in town. In this Innoson electric car review, we will examine several features of the product line and why it is the best in the current economic situation in Nigeria and Africa. When the Innoson electric car price is put into long and short-term perspective, we can conclude that whoever chose to buy the product is making a great purchase decision.

It is finally good to see great products coming from Nigeria and given that there are commercial quantities of lithium in Nigeria, the Innoson electric cars have even greater chances of becoming a global market disruptive force. This Innoson electric cars review is a combination of information from the manufacturer and user account.

The Innoson electric vehicle is a new rollout and we shall update this Innoson electric car review page as we learn more about the series. Now let’s continue by examining the key features of the product.

Innoson Electric Cars Features

The Innoson electric cars feature some of the most amazing capabilities in the industry. With years of experience crafting traditional cars, the amazing Innoson electric car features don’t come as a surprise. Some of these cool things about the vehicle variants are:

  • Power mode: It is an electric car, which means instead of being powered by an engine, it is powered by a rechargeable battery. This rechargeable battery uses electricity stored within and supplies the vehicle with the required energy to get going and perform other functions.
  • Transmission type: Electric cars are unlike mechanical cars where the transmission is a function of the engine. Transmission in electric cars like the Innoson electric vehicle takes a different approach. In a nutshell, it is automatic. Unless in special situations, electric cars don’t utilize manual transmission but if strictly needed can be customized to seem so in reality, without an engine, electric cars are automatic concepts.
  • Kilometer per charge: This may be a very complicated question as the actual kilometer per charge of the Innoson electric cars will rely on several factors such as speed, nature of the trip, topography, etc. If on a hilly terrain, speed will be slowed so distance alone doesn’t determine how far the Innoson electric car can go but also distance over other factors.

With the current information or experience, one can conclude that with a single full charge, the Innoson electric cars can go for about an average of 240 kilometers without needing to be recharged however this didn’t put the other factors that may impact speed and energy consumption rate into perspective. This is also an average kilometer per full charge using the Innoson electric car flagship model. So if we assume that the 240 kilometer is the ideal capacity, on other conditions the distance over a full charge may be less or more as the case may be.

We hope you get where we are going with this, what we worked out here is a kilometer per full charge over ideal circumstances and using the flagship variant. This means given other circumstances, kilometer per full charge may vary for other Innoson electric cars.

  • Instant torque feature: Unlike fossil fuel-powered vehicles, the Innoson electric vehicles have quicker acceleration. This means the electric car can attain great speed within a shorter time. This also reduces the jerking sensation as the acceleration and deceleration are smoother.
  • Interior: The Innoson electric car features a luxurious interior with fine leather covering for its seats and dashboard, possibly a variant material option for the dashboard may be underway. This quality leather material gives a tranquil ambiance given the absence of an engine which its function produces more noise and vibration.
  • The Innoson Electric Cars Dashboard: The dashboard is roomier as there’s no fuel gauge and other aspects of a dashboard used in reading such related data. The car features a digitized infotainment panel sitting slightly over the dashboard where you can read battery percentage and control other aspects like music and more.
  • Powerful air conditioning: Nigeria is a hot country, the air is somewhat dry depending on the part of the year, and at other times it can be intensely humid. If the weather outside is not very convenient for you, you can wind up and get a bit of air conditioning. This may however increase battery consumption but overall worth it. So while enjoying all that the product offers, understanding that it can impact performance over a single charge is also important.
  • Less noise: Have you ever thought of driving and hearing yourself think? that’s the Innoson electric cars. Even the most quiet engines are somewhat loud. With Innoson electric cars, batteries don’t require loud sound to function. Of course, it is still a vehicle so the rotating wheels and all of that create enough sound that it isn’t entirely soundless; however, compared to others especially the traditional ones, there’s a lot of reduction in terms of noise and vibrations.

Variants (Models)

  • Innoson IVM EX02 variant: The Innoson electric cars come in different models. The flagship model is the Innoson IVM EX02 which boasts a 330-400KM Range on a full charge. As we stated earlier, the kilometer per full charge may vary given several factors. The product is built to go as far as possible while enjoying an amazing luxurious experience.

image for Innoson Electric Cars

  • Innoson IVM Link variant: This Innoson electric car model is equipped with a strong rechargeable battery capable of going between 201 and 230KM on a full charge, with a splendid interior and sleek exterior, this would be the ideal EV for the modest individual. This is very much the dream car of your regular middle-class stylish individuals.

image for Innoson IVM Link variant

  • Innoson IVM EX01 variant: This model is more of a combination of the Innoson IVM EX02 variant and Innoson IVM Link. It picks the strong exterior of the link model with a slight touch of luxury similar to the Innoson IVM EX02 model. In terms of battery capacity and performance, it is very similar to the Innoson IVM link at a kilometer per full charge of between 201km and 230km.

image for Innoson IVM EX01 variant

  • Innoson IVM EX02 (pocket-friendly option): The flagship model is the ideal of the upper class however a more affordable variant is available for those who are a bit economically shy to afford the main model. This pocket-friendly version is a mix of mileage with even more amazing options in terms of interior and exterior design. Unlike the main variant, however, this version features a less luxurious interior.

image for Innoson IVM EX02 (pocket-friendly option)


The Innoson electric cars offer several peculiar advantages that make them stand out not just among other vehicles but also among electric cars. These include:

  • Fancy Design: Compared to other global electric car brands like Tesla, Innoson has more experience in exterior design. The Innoson electric cars look traditional. It is not entirely something out of the blue but a unique concept that will feel excellent like other products from the company.
  • Compact design yet roomy enough: The products feature a unique sportiness, yet are roomy to ensure driver and passenger seat comfort. Its whole design is intended to give portability and comfort along the line.
  • Good for the environment: The Innoson electric car is a giant stride out of using fossil fuel. It is safe for the environment and our planet.
  • Long Kilometer per full charge: With at least mileage of 200 kilometers per full charge, the vehicle can be a game changer. With the flagship model which boasts even higher mileage, users won’t have to worry about running out of battery over a considerate journey distance.
  • Fast charging: For an electric car, the Innoson electric cars are quick to charge to a full battery. Taking an average of 7 hours to fully charge, the Innoson electric cars are a mix of energy efficiency and overall effectiveness.


  • May not work effectively in areas with low electricity: This isn’t one of the cars you can take home to remote villages for Christmas for now. You can run out of battery in places with limited electricity thereby creating inconveniences.

Innoson electric cars’ price

For now, the Innoson electric car price isn’t public domain information. This is because the car is intended to be marketed by retailers. While you can buy directly from Innoson, the company hopes for such retailers to make a profit supplying these brands; as such, the price isn’t public from Innoson. You can buy from retailers or directly from Innoson by contacting us for further inquiries.


The Innoson electric cars are the emerging face of the Nigerian transportation revolution. It is going to dominate the market for time to come. Also, it is most likely a saving grace and arrived at the exact moment when it is needed the most.

As the product line continues to unfold, we believe there will be improvements as the days go by which we shall not hesitate to include in this Innoson electric cars review. To learn more about the Innoson electric cars’ price and for further inquiries and purchases, contact us to learn more and place your order. Contact us now! Click Here.

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