Welcome to Ray K9 Seller Profile
Seller Category: Business
Product/Services: Pets
Phone: 08143987627
Whatsapp: 08143987627
Email: chukwuraymond@gmail.com
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More About Ray K9
If you ever decide to adopt one of humankind’s best friends, Ray K9 is here to ensure that you get the best quality Dog breed. Ray’s K9 is a Nigerian business that deals in different species of foreign dogs based in Enugu.
Ray K9 Lhasa Apso Puppies Playing Video
Pure Breed Caucasian Puppies Eating
Three Years Old Lhasa Apso
Some of Ray K9’s dog picture gallery

Owner Profile
Raymond Chukwu Junior is a Dog lover who is into the business of selling both pure breed and crossbreed dogs to pet lovers; here in Ikenga Store, Ray K9 is here to make dogs available to dog lovers.
Why Buy Your Pet Dogs from Ray K9
Pet owners need to be assured that they are making the right choice buying from us. Below are some brilliant reasons to buy from us.
Prompt Vaccination and Sound Health
At Ray K9, we care about our pets and pet owners; as such, we make sure that our dogs are properly vaccinated and, in general, in sound health.
With years of experience in dog breeding, training and sales, Ray K9 has garnered lots of experience in dog temperaments, health care and business.
At Ray K9, we are not just in the dog business to make money; at Ray’s canine, we are passionate about animals and dogs; we treat our dogs better and acknowledge animal rights.
Well Behaved and Trained Dogs
With years of experience in the bog breeding, training and sales, we are confident that we train some of the most well-behaved dogs; apart from that, you will be given a breakdown of the dog’s behavior, in this case even from the point of buying you would be given detailed information about whether the dog is aggressive, reserved, shy, etc.
This information would be necessary for the long run so that you would easily be able to understand your dog and pick up mood changes easier.
Our dogs are of the best quality, and we remain reliable; we would give you the best of your desired breed.
The reality about dogs is that while the cost of acquiring one would be high for most exotic breeds, raising one is not anywhere funny. Ray K9 understands that owning a dog, whether as a pet or for other reasons, can have financial implications. While acquiring dogs from us could be slightly affordable, raising a dog is not always easy.
We don’t just think about the short term conditions of our dog or our customers; we care a lot more about the future; starvation of dogs are not the best practice, so while our dogs are affordable; the overhead cost of raising a dog could be costly, so before you make that decision of acquiring your dog from us, think overhead also.
Patronize Ray K9 today! chat us on WhatsApp
or Call 08143987627