Jikokoa Charcoal Stove Review; Best Place to Buy It

This Jikokoa Charcoal Stove review seeks to examine its unique features, benefits, price, and more. It also examines the best place to buy the stove. The Jikokoa Charcol Stove seems to be the emerging choice of several Nigerians as cooking gas prices soar. A while ago, several Nigerians were thrown into great distress as the country’s economy headed in an unknown direction.

Ever since the start of the Tinubu administration, life has gotten a lot harder in Nigeria. The removal of the petrol subsidy is having far-reaching implications. The Jikokoa Charcoal Stove was originally designed with East Africa in mind. The Jikokoa charcoal stove manufacturer intended to create stoves that could bring an effective cooking experience for the people in Kenya and other parts of East Africa, but an emerging market for the product seems to be unfolding in Nigeria.image for Jikokoa Charcoal Stove Review

Apart from the high cost of food, the high cost of cooking gas has become a menace in a country where the cost of things keeps rising as the days go by. In the face of all of these, civil servants’ salaries don’t seem to be improving. Several businesses are closing down as inflation bites harder. Amidst it all, families, especially housewives, mothers and possibly anyone else who cooks, are looking for an affordable means. This is where the Jikokoa Charcoal Stove seems to be emerging as an alternative to cooking gas.

With the new trend of turning to cooking gas alternatives, it becomes necessary that we provide this Jikokoa Charcoal Stove Review so that it can give interested buyers an idea of the workings and what to expect from the stove.

Jikokoa Charcoal Stove Review Outline 

What is Jikokoa Charcoal Stove?

How Does it Work 


Pros and Cons 


Direction for Use 

Frequently Asked Questions 


What is Jikokoa Charcoal Stove?

The Jikokoa Charcoal Stove is an innovative device that utilizes charcoal to create heat and fire needed for cooking. The Jikokoa charcoal stove manufacturer is a Kenya-based company (Burn Manufacturing Co.) According to the Information made available by the Jikokoa charcoal stove manufacturer, the product is designed to bring an effective cooking experience with effective combustion that reduces emissions while conserving fuel. It is then safer and cheaper.

Although the Jikokoa charcoal stove manufacturer is based in Nairobi, Kenya, their market is expanding to West Africa. The initial objective of the manufacturer was to serve East Africa, but the removal of the Petrol subsidy is pushing Nigerians towards the product. Hopefully, the Jikokoa charcoal stove manufacturer will look into expanding their market projection to include Nigeria.

How Does it Work?

The Stove works by burning charcoal gotten from wood. Its ultramodern design makes burning efficient and ash collection easier. The design is such that the device doesn’t mess up the kitchen like the traditional charcoal stove. As the charcoal burns out, an effective ash collection tray underneath ensures that ash leakage doesn’t occur. This makes the Jikokoa charcoal stove an affordable alternative for the modern kitchen as it is not going to make the kitchen dirty when properly used.

The Jikokoa charcoal stove manufacturer made these considerations in the product design. The modern kitchen is ideally neater than the traditional one; the Jikokoa charcoal stove also appeals to aesthetics as it is a beautiful device to behold. As we continue in this Jikokoa charcoal stove review, you will discover other amazing features of the product.

Jikokoa charcoal stove features and specifications

As we progress in the Jikokoa Charcoal Stove Review, lets take a look at its features that make it stand out when in comparison with the more traditional charcoal stove or even gas. Some of the most amazing Jikokoa charcoal stove features and specifications include:

High quality and coated metalic burning compartment: One of the reasons traditional charcoal stoves don’t last long is because they are prone to corrosion, as exposure to moisture and heat creates a suitable scenario for such stoves to corrode. With the Jikokoa charcoal stove, the burner part is coated, and there’s less direct impact on the quality of the metal. This slows down corrosion and prolongs stove life.

The Stove is Insulated: Traditional charcoal stoves usually have the tendency to overheat all around. The Jikokoa charcoal stove, however, has an insulated design that reduces heat transfer from the burner to the rest of the stove; also, the stove has an insulated handle for easier and safer carriage.

Intensity Regulation: Although maybe not classifiable as a high-tech device, the stove has a heat regulation mechanism where intensity can be adjusted.

Can be used indoors: The stove’s effective design means that it is portable and can be easily moved around; also, with low emission and prolonged burning per fuel refill, the stove can be used in an indoor kitchen. An effective ash collector means that the chances of creating dirt are reduced.

Less Burning Area: With a smaller burning area, the stove uses less charcoal yet gives maximum heat. The reduced burning space creates more compact burning, which directs the heat towards the top. All these mechanisms make for less charcoal yet give maximum heat. The smaller the space, the greater the heat impact.

Cost Effective: When compared to gas or kerosene stoves, the Jikokoa charcoal stove is more cost-effective.


Nearly everything in this Jikokoa Charcoal Stove Review has been positive owing to the great innovation in crafting the product; however, let’s look at its two best-selling points. When compared to gas or kerosene stoves, the major advantage of the stove is fuel affordability, while when compared to the more traditional charcoal stove, Jikokoa has the advantage of efficient and cleaner burning. In this case, the major pros of the stove are summarised in the two subheadings below.

Saves money: Even when compared to the more traditional charcoal stove, Jikokoa is cheaper as it uses less charcoal, which burns effectively.

Less Emission: The Charcoal stove’s complete combustion brings less emission, which makes it relatively healthier than the traditional charcoal stove or even wood.


Compared to using Gas or a Kerosene stove, It has a higher chance of darkening your port.

Charcoal also has a higher chance of staining clothes or even the hands during refill or handling.

Compared to gas, it still has higher emissions.

May not be convenient in all cooking situations.


The Jikokoa charcoal stove price varies between retailers. Depending on where you are buying from and at the time of purchase, the price may change. A good bargain may also get you the product at a cheaper rate. Because of these considerations, we are not able to ascertain the future Jikokoa charcoal stove price.

 Jikokoa Charcoal Stove Direction to Use

To use the stove, put a little charcoal in the charcoal or burning compartment. Bring out the ashtray and add a little dry paper or carton pieces, add a little kerosene to the carton pieces or papers and put back the ashtray in the ashtray compartment. Then, from the above, light the paper in the ashtray. You can regulate the heat impact by opening and closing the ashtray to allow or block more air from entering the burning compartment.

After use, don’t quench the fire directly with water while the charcoal is still on the stove. You can first pour the charcoal out on the ground and then extinguish it with water or by closing the ashtray completely and letting the fire die down.

Frequently Asked Question

Where can I buy the Jikokoa Charcoal Stove?

Several retail outlets in Nigeria have the product available for sale; you can buy it here at Ikenga Store, or you may check out other Nigerian retail stores for kitchen equipment; also, online stores like Konga or Jumia are another place you can buy the product.

Would the Stove darken my pot?

It is a charcoal stove, so yes, It darkens your pot; however, when compared to the traditional charcoal stove or even cooking with firewood, Jikokoa has a cleaner burning.

What is the Jikokoa Charcoal Stove Price?

This is not a straightforward question; different retailers of the product in Nigeria sell at varying prices; depending on where you are buying it and when you are purchasing it, the price could vary.


The Jikokoa Charcoal Stove is a brilliant and affordable alternative to the gas cooker or even the kerosene stove; the stove’s popularity is rising in Nigeria. It is a nice, effective and affordable approach to cooking with a bit of traditional innovation. Now that you have come to the end of this Jikokoa charcoal stove review, we hope you give the product a try.

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