Morimor Global Ventures’ Seller Profile

Welcome To  Morimor Global Ventures’ Seller Profile

Seller Category: Business
Products/Services: Food/Agro-Allied

Office Adress: No. 7 Azia close New Haven, Enugu

Phone: +234 08067703658

Whatsapp: +234 08067703658


Profile Picture:

image for Morimor Global Ventures

Morimor Global Ventures Products

Bitter Kola

image for Bitter Kola

Kola Nut

image for Kola Nut


image for Gari

Cashew Nuts 

image for Cashew Nuts


image for Ginger

Red Oil 

image for Red Oil

Cocoa Beans 

image for Cocoa Beans


image for Honey

More About Morimor Global Ventures

Morimor global ventures is an emerging leader in Africa’s agro-allied and food processing company registered accordingly in the companies and Allied matters act 1990 pursuant to section 659 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Located in the arable, agro area of Alaigbo in Eastern Nigeria, with over a decade of business experience in farming and agro-export, we have recorded giant strides in the supply of Bitter kola, Kola nuts, Cashew nuts, Garri, Honey, Palm oil, Cocoa seeds and Powder, Bean flour, Melon (egusi), Ogbono, Ginger, Cassava and many more products locally and globally.

We aim to reach and deliver to new and existing clients leveraging a robust web platform, response, and tracking system to make sure that your goods are delivered hitch-free and in good shape as we leverage Ikenga Store to drive customer’s satisfaction which is our priority.

At Morimor Global Ventures, our strength lies in a robust and experienced team equipped with the needed expertise to ensure that all our products are processed and packaged in accordance with the world’s best practices and standards. SGS undertakes our cargo inspections to ensure compliance with global standards but we are flexible to customer’s recommendations and specifications.

We keep our word; we deliver promptly.

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