Gyber is a Global Value Powered Digital Payment System

Table of Contents
Introduction (Welcome to Gyber…The Future is Now)
Inspiration for the Gyber Experiment
The Gyber Application
Gyber and Governance
Gyber Application in Academics
Gyber Application in Business
Token Distribution and Profitability
Gyber Power Broker Level
Gyber Governance
Gyber Future (Artificial and Revolutionary Technology)


(Welcome to Gyber…The Future is Now)

image for gyber

From the Biblical account that in the beginning was the word to Stephen Hawking’s big bang theory with the start of time, we could see in all earnestness that it was all a little beginning that gave birth to the universe, and today we encounter yet another beginning, and the word is Gyber.

Gyber is a multipurpose, value-powered utility technology in the continuum; the design and implementation of the gyber concept continue in a dynamic loop shaped by the global trend to usher in a technology that’s more than just a digital currency. Gyber’s design and implementation were envisaged to solve societal problems through a comprehensive simulation of reality. To solve these problems, the Gyber experiment team took detailed studies covering numerous institutions where the gyber concept could be deployed to solve current and future problems.

These institutions earmarked through the research of the gyber experiment are those where the gyber concept would prove much vital, these gyber research were conducted in several universities, markets, military facilities and government institution, and the result is the birth of a new technology to be known as gyber. Gyber is a high-powered utility tool that would mirror and impact reality through a series of reality simulations; in due time, these simulations would birth virtual reality, artificial intelligence and a value-backed currency that would serve as the means of exchange of these simulated environments that’s mostly like an alternate reality or an entire world in a machine.

Inspiration for the Gyber Experiment

Our world keeps expanding beyond the speed of light, bank notes, hardware and even people are becoming outdated, but we understand the uniqueness of our specie that we may never agree that we are lagging in the affairs of the universe. For those who understand how backward the human species have become, especially for a being entrusted with the dominion of the universe from the beginning, yet we are struggling to explore the earth, and that’s where technology comes in.

The inspiration for Gyber came as a result of fixing these lapses in society, the lapses of transactional challenges and, of course, the adventurous challenges. Human curiosity is a very powerful aspect of humanity; while gyber is aimed to be a means of exchange for goods and services, it is also a means of powering not just your ideas but your fantasies, with emphasis on machine learning, virtual reality and blockchain solutions Gyber’s vision is to break the barrier.

With a cost-effective mining process for the Gyber Coin, there would not be much rigorous mining process as seen with previous cryptocurrencies; the earlier mining process comes with adverse impacts, especially for our environment, further complicating global warming, however with Gyber, the mining and Coin network uses more of a mathematical and computational algorithm to limit energy gulping mining processes thereby reducing dependence on banknotes and reducing energy consumption. When the vision is fully actualized, there will be more trees and less CO in the environment as the emphasis on banknotes reduces while, at the same time, energy-dependence mining gives way to AI-regulated coin issuance.

Gyber’s vision is to increase man’s power to explore life in a way that may have proven impossible in the past; Gyber’s vision is power to humanity. With gyber-fused technologies with artificial intelligence, unmanned drones would explore more distant parts of the earth with accuracy and precision in locating and understanding targets while being able to instantly give feedback to control server utilizing a satellite-powered network that would guide future missions to outer space, exploring the oceans is also a crucial part of the Gyber vision both manned and unmanned AI controlled submarines would be rolled out in due time. When the Gyber vision is fully implemented, Individuals, Governments, Militaries and Industries worldwide will experience exponential power owing to the extraordinary abilities we intend to bring with Gyber. Gyber constantly evolves to serve a fast-changing world; while the world changes, the Gyber Experiment evolves things.

This is the era of fixing the lapses, to restore the power of man, and technology has come to be of assistance; Gyber isn’t just a name; it is a way of experiencing the universe, reaching our dreams and exploring beyond; it an adventure, a microcosm of not just the earth but the universe; of course the known universe and a peep into the unknown. But we start with the known, and that’s why we are starting with the current situation in society, the local socioeconomic reality, the hardware crucial to the average human, technological adventurism and effective society; Gyber is about you as a part of the human and global society.

The Gyber Application

Gyber was crafted out of a vision, but what about you? What about society? What does Gyber hold for the future?

Gyber and Governance

The expansion of the world would keep being crucial to the vision of Gyber as every day the world is becoming more disconnected, continents drift apart, cities explode not just with human population but also with plastics and other pollution in all of these, there is need for sanity, connectivity and purpose and that’s where gyber comes in.

Anyone from an Aristotelian school of thought may agree that the scale of governance is the City, but today, we have countries of 50 million and above; these countries most likely would keep growing, making governance and management of the human society more complex, with more complex society comes more complexity in governance. Still, a solution is possible; what if the hospital can register individuals at birth in a National database where death would also update in such a national database. Such individual life could have a dual reality where the cyber life and real life overlap; once such a cyber-entity is created, then there would be a means for such existence distant from reality and then a token of payment; this creates an alternate life within a government created entity to provide governance that is interchangeable with real life, citizens earn these values from the community that is tied to a real-life individual from birth through death.

The truth is that mankind is already out of control which is the greatest fear of any government; the goal now is to build where they stray to.

States may also find the Gyber product crucial in the easier creation and management of national digital resources such as databases, classified documents and self-execution systems aimed at triggering certain results in the future or triggering certain outputs when a set condition is satisfied; this makes for artificial intelligence and automation, these critical technologies which gyber is aimed to set up would find numerous government uses.

Taxation: whenever the issue of governance is raised, taxation becomes critical; as an entity, gyber complies with local taxation of every country where our office is situated, and individual members are also advised to comply with local taxation in their country or area of residence.

Legal Obligation: Gyber as a body adheres to the laws of the situated state; this implies that gyber offices in each country would operate under the provisions of the laws of such country.

Gyber Application in Academics

The Gyber Experiment aims to be deployed in academics utilizing diverse technologies, including AI language models, AI cultural models and AI science models. The very use of these models would see critical deployment in the Education of traumatized communities, these communities as those impacted by wars, Natural disasters and more.

The disaster education model would create an environment where machines provide training in protected environments like bomb shelters with independent information bases through remote communication with servers, networks and instructors in remote locations. These models would be able to deploy cultural and language models to ensure that displaced children may be able to learn and grow in critical disaster scenarios while being raised through robotics; in the cases of an apocalypse-scale situation, children may be incubated in such AI models to be preserved and trained as the child grows in an autonomous system, the infused model and robotics ensures that there must be survival irrespective of whatever challenge the future of humanity holds.

Like most other AI models, our language, cultural and scientific models would find their use among college and university institutions now and in the near future.

Gyber Application in Business

Gyber in business will be discussed in the crucial steps of how Gyber can help the business community and the areas of the Gyber network itself, which will be discussed in the next sub-topic (Distribution, Profitability and governance).

On the part of gyber and your current business, while gyber can serve as a means of exchange, the rest of what gyber has to offer lies within the system itself; why not become a member of the Gyber community? Now let’s take you on the gyber business interior on the next subtopics.

Token Distribution and Profitability

Irrespective of how much we wish to usher groundbreaking technologies and amazing society through the gyber experiment and the implementation of projects, the average individual in the street seeking bread to feed his or her family would not be thrilled by our innovations unless fed. In this regard, we talk about how individual lives can matter using the gyber project to earn a living.

First, the savvy ones may earn through the DOA or the S-DIM concept. The DOA and the S-DIM will be discussed in detail in the next topic; however, for now, the DOA and S-DIM are voting and action implementation sequences utilizing a self-destruct implementation model for the GBR; for every 1 GBR destroyed, the value of the GBR increases. Democracy is for everyone; however, the savvy can always sell their vote; that’s the gyber concept, and that’s very close to societal reality, while for the sake of dignity, you may not want to sell your vote, but there are people in the platform which wish to burn their GBR, this whole implementation leads to an improvement in the value of the GBR when the numbers reduce, and value go up, a system where growth is inevitable is one where profit would eventually be made.

There are three investment castes in the Gyber Community, certainly one of these would eventually catch your fancy; there are different investment levels for different income and profit expectation levels, and you would definitely find one that matches your status, don’t forget, apart from profit for the little pocket, there are others with the wealth of the GBR that just want to make the system feel their impact as power brokers, these are a group of wealthy investors who may have secured a more coin; however, you don’t need to worry about this, the more they flex their power by burning more coins for votes and decision, the more your value rises as the coin diminishes, this way you make gains, not minding the other ways you make gain through series of channels in the network.

Gyber Power Broker Level

To understand the power brokers in Gyber, looking at the distribution level would give insight. The Gyber community is divided into three segments 1. Investors are allocated 10%, Open Market is allocated 35%, and the Experimental Stabilization fund is allocated 27%; this gives 72%, while the remaining 28% would be left in the GBR reserve network. This means that the active 72% would be in circulation. With the above breakdown, one may see that while the investor space has more individual power, given the likelihood of fewer investors, the market space wields more collective power with less individual power while the Experimental space balances the system, the reserve would be for replenishment as sometimes more notes could get burnt during a time of internal political or societal turmoil who knows thereby leading to deflation.

These broker levels and everything within the system are designed for stability and profitability, where every broker level plays a crucial role.

Gyber Governance

We have spoken about Gyber in government; now let’s talk about the Giber as an entity; how is it governed? Everyone wishes to understand how the institution they are part of is governed; the coming of the internet and earlier cryptocurrencies almost was intended to abolish rules, regulations and restrictions; however, those who seek to live outside a rule ought to be guided by it. Gyber, as a democratic community, is a self-governing one. Since the GBR is the currency of membership in the gyber community, it also becomes the system’s voice.

To partake in the everyday governance in the system, one has to be part of a voting block that uses the DOA concept; this is a Self Destruct Implementation Model (S-DIM) invoked when a community member wishes to cast a vote or partake in the system governance, this is real life simulation environment where the GBR nearly determines everything.

Why the S-DIM and the DOA? Whether simulated or real, governments need stability, especially for the currency. To prevent inflation, the GBR needs to be stable; for that stability to be achieved, some of the GBR needs to be eliminated; with less GBR in the system, the value of the system improves, and with more GBR, the value of the system may be impacted negatively, especially when more GBR chase few values that are when the DOA and S-DIM come in. With the S-DIM, values are burnt or Self Destruct Implemented; this reduces the number of the GBR and increases its values, then the value of the GBR may start depreciating when bad decisions get made; however, since numbers are burnt out even with bad decisions, there would be stability.

This goes to show that the system is a Decision powered one; nothing is more democratic than having the capacity to impact your community, well for Gyber, that voice comes with a sacrifice; you have to burn your notes, and this ensures valuable opinions and votes and above all a stable system where both inflation and deflation is managed when good decisions are made, the system grows when bad opinions are made, the system may experience a slow of momentum, but since coins were destroyed in such bad or good decision, then stability is ensured.

Gyber Future (Artificial and Revolutionary Technology)

Often we have said that the future is now but what about the now of the future? While we bring the future here, we have not forgotten that the future is bringing us to it, so irrespective of what we know today, what we have built today, we either leave a wonder of the world that could endure majestic for thousands of years or we would become mediocre of the future.

But we want to build such wonders and yet want to be mediocre in the future because we want to build greater technology, one where we look back in years and say, that’s where we started; there’s much improvement today; however, our earlier products remain timeless that’s the goal. That’s the goal of the Gyber Experiment.

Building an enduring technology thrives on innovation and revolution, which are our inspirations. To keep innovating into artificial intelligence, exchange technology and revolutionary technologies. The Gyber Experiment Would Keep blessing the world with awesomeness…


Global African integration would start with Africa’s self-preservation, to sustain our values within a reliable and protected network yet makes a mark in the emerging world ruled through tech; Gyber is an African-Global with all needed sophistication and effectiveness. A system of independence, a place for freethinkers who wish to grow in a stable and peace-assured medium.

For the Individual

Gyber is for all, a place to keep your fortune and earn your peace; it is a real-life simulation, so it is a call for you to join; this simulated world would make your real life more excellent; why not make your real community part of it, that life is worth living is tremendously dependent on your circle, Gyber is a way to vibe and celebrate friendship, heritage and build the future you desire so why not make the people you care about part of your Gyber space.

Transform your friends into life companions by tagging them in the journey of greatness; the GyberSpace is big enough to carry those that matter to you into this system that matters because all that would matter are the happiness and prosperity you left behind, don’t leave friends and family behind leave amazing moments, fortune and memories instead.

GyberSpace and Politics

Our political space also deserves remarkable mention here, all through history; since politics is a game of division, it creates an avenue that politicians are always hunted, well the good ones usually get caught, most times even killed; politicians are an endangered species, and the good ones are rare gems.

You know politicians; when they lose, they are hunted by the majority, and when they win, the minority hunts them, so there’s no safe place for politicians, and that’s why politicians, especially in Africa, are always looking for a haven, but as a politician, you don’t need to stash your fortune buying private Islands in the Caribbean, remember home is where it all started, Gyber is going to offer a haven to you because we understand how endangered politicians are, and for the good ones, they are facing extinction. Put your fortune at home as a politician; it would benefit your constituencies and the local people when you become part of Gyber; from your identity to ensured peace, be rest assured that with Gyber, your protection is our priority.

The Business Community

For the business community, Gyber is a reliable trade mechanism and exchange for goods and services; this would break the forex barrier and ensure seamless transactions without forex limitations; Gyber was built with the business community in mind, so first, it fixes the problem of forex within some sectors, and again you become part of a community environment in itself, within Gyber you can bring your business here, improve your exposure among people with ensured and improved purchasing power parity as membership in the system is sustained through the holding of the GBR, it means members already have the currency of the system, and you can be assured that the money is available.

For other Institutions and the Greater Society

As a final note, we call on individuals, organizations and esteemed members of the society to not just join Gyber but also remember to tag your pals; we call on individuals, our politicians, the business community and institutions to join the network because it is where prosperity meets peace; we call on you to join Gyber.

Thy Gyber Token is available through the Trust wallet and Metaverse Crypto Application once imported.

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