Where to Learn Web Development in Nigeria, It is here!

Asking for where to learn web development in Nigeria? Check out Tech Solution Nigeria! At Tech Solution Nigeria, we provide excellent development classes. The internet is becoming the center of our society; several people are looking for where to learn web development in Nigeria. Tech Solution Nigeria will fashion you into a web development machine.

Nigeria and Africa joined the tech race much later, but it isn’t too late to make or create a formidable digital footprint. Technology is the new gold, even it could displace oil and gas. The sector is very much at its starting phase. Things may happen quickly in the internet and the internet age, but the longevity of the internet is guaranteed. Even today, it is still very crucial to learn a tech skill. While the choice to pick a programming language is entirely yours, the ability to pick up a new programming language after learning one is easier.

Nigerians are getting in tech the hard way. This tough side of venturing into tech is not entirely because of our late entry into technology but because of the preference of the majority of younger Nigerians to choose Yahoo and content creation on social media over advanced computer skills. We established where to learn web development in Nigeria to support young Nigerians in diverting the young population from the black hat method of making money on the internet.

Nigerians are active internet users. There had been a negative attraction, especially regarding the global popularity of the Nigerian prince. Now that you are looking for where to learn web development in Nigeria, you are in the right place.

Why Learn Web Development

Web development is a tech skill; often, it becomes tough for young programmers to choose what tech skill or a programming language to start with. We seek to create legitimate wealth, and in Nigeria, given the popularity of mobile phones and computers, technology is the right place to make that money legitimately.

Our move to introduce you to web development is because of its higher profitability than other sectors, especially with Nigeria as the focus. It is important to pick a web-related language like PHP in Nigeria because there are more job offers from that angle. The reality is that the majority of the websites in Nigeria run on WordPress or are powered by PHP and its frameworks.

Getting a web development job in Nigeria is easier than any other tech skill. We are not, however, ignoring mobile app development regarding business potential; Nigerians are more familiar with the generics, especially the DOT COM. When people seek to know more about any business in Nigeria, they don’t necessarily ask for your mobile app. They ask for your website.

Mobile apps are traditionally designed to be executable, while websites could be executable and a means of information and contacts. We are looking at reasons you should learn web development and offering you a place where to learn web development in Nigeria because the web offers more versatile options. It offers greater and endless opportunities.

Search engines also improve the viability of the web. Searching web content is easier for search engines than other parts of the internet. This creates an easier channel for your brand to be noticed. With the benefits the web offers, it becomes more business-friendly to learn web development than any other forms of programming or even other ventures requiring tech skills in Nigeria. Also, web development content is available for Nigerians serious about picking a legitimate skill.

Which programming language do we recommend as a starter?

Young Nigerians are very money-conscious. It is nearly the same all over the world. Given the poverty rate in Nigeria, the desire to break out of poverty is very intense. This has its good and bad side. There’s the unquenchable desire to earn money by young people here. We want quick means of making money. On several occasions, the available options are the not-so-good options. Now that you are looking for where to learn web development in Nigeria, we appreciate your zeal to try something enriching. For the fact that money is a driver to the skill you wish to acquire, we recommend you learn PHP and MySQL.

The reason for suggesting PHP is because it is traditionally crafted for the web, offers diverse opportunities in Nigeria, and is relatively easy to learn. The good side is that once you learn one programming language, it is easier to learn another. We need to change our perspective on earning money in Nigeria. You can make money easier than you think doing something legitimate, and at the same time, tinkering with technology can be fun.

If you are dedicated and sufficiently guided, you can pick up PHP programming in six months and become effective in two years. Don’t look at the timeframe; from six months of dedication, you can start handling minor projects and even joining programming teams where you could earn while riding on the shoulders of giants.

The question you should be more concerned about is not where to learn web development in Nigeria but how to develop the zeal, passion, patience and energy to conquer web development in Nigeria. Your value system needs to shift. Certainly, you will make the money you so much deserve in a manner you can be at peace with yourself much later.

You got to be someone who could be proud of your accomplishments, it would be best if you have a strong foundation in a given skill. Between the ages of 15 and 35, you mostly need a skill, not necessarily a car or the oppressive ostentatious swag. You are not in competition with anybody, and if you feel oppressed by your peers, avoid them until you achieve your objectives.

This post is supposed to be about where to learn web development in Nigeria, but it is taking another yet appropriate direction because first, we need to tackle the challenges young and hardworking Nigerians face. The reality of being oppressed by those who chose other ways of making money shouldn’t deter your dreams of building the next huge tech entity.

Aspects of Web Development You can focus on while looking for Where to Learn Web Development in Nigeria

There are three aspects of web development you must know before looking for where to learn web development in Nigeria. These three aspects of web development include front-end development or client side, backend or server-side development and full stack development.

It is important to understand the disparity. A front-end or client-side developer works on the part of the website rendered on the browser and interfaces website users. On the other hand, the backend or server-side developer develops the part of the website that implements server-side functions. This is usually rendered on the server. The middle ground is full-stack web development. Full-stack developers have a touch of both front-end and backend development. This means full-stack developers can work with both server-side languages and client-side languages.

Server-side languages are those web programming languages traditionally designed to be executed on a host computer or server, while client-side language is designed to be executed by the client’s computer via the web browser. An example of server-side language includes PHP, while an example of client-side language is JavaScript.

As a beginner looking for where to learn web development in Nigeria, we suggest you aim for full-stack development or backend or server-side development. Front-end development is also great; however, aiming to work in web projects would require you to deal with server-side as your web development career progresses.

The server side also has more potential to attract more clients in Nigeria. Dynamic websites are the ideal of today’s web. They are also the future. Most websites today run a server-side technology. Static websites exist today, but dynamic ones far outnumber them. We assume you wish to go for dynamic website development, not static website development.

Having recommended PHP and MySQL for this beginning stage, we will take you through other crucial aspects of web development technology like HTML, CSS, JS and more when you register with us. We encourage you to start your web development pursuit today as we are together in the journey.

For Enrolment into Our Web Development Training, Contact Alex Ogechukwu (Founder of Tech Solution Nigeria) for further inquiries and Enrolment. Click Here to Contact Alex Ogechukwu on WhatsApp. You can also call him at 07064258880 or on Twitter @ALexOgechukwu.

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