Ogurugu Seaport Enugu Revitalization; Why Invest?

The Ogurugu seaport Enugu was a thriving shipping channel of the colonial era, and today, both the Enugu State government and the federal government through the Nigerian Navy are trying to revitalize the now moribund seaport by collaborating to build a proposed naval base in the vicinity of the Ogurugu River.

Merchant History

The Ogurugu area used to be a very active business settlement back then. The seaport used to be the export channel of the products of the Northern Igboland (Igbo Nsukka); at the time of its past rise, the Ogurugu area was a thriving business area in the rank of Onitsha and Aba. The collapse of Ogurugu as a commercial entity started with the Nigerian independence and the siting of the first university in Nigeria (the University of Nigeria Nsukka) in the nearby Nsukka community, now Nsukka local government.

The siting of the University of Nigeria in Nsukka shifted commercial and government attention to the now University town of Nsukka; this and a series of other events led to the decline of Ogurugu as a significant business settlement in AlaIgbo. Today, however, the attention of the Nigerian Navy and the Enugu State government has been shifted towards the riverine community as it holds a series of strategic and economic potential for the state and federal government.

As both the navy and the Enugu state government pay much-needed attention to the community, what is stopping you from investing in this community where everything being equal would rise to its formal significance?

Property Appreciation

Properties like land do appreciate everywhere; however, in places like Ogurugu, where there’s the likelihood of government and commercial presence, land and other properties would appreciate more. Maybe now is the time to secure land there if you can acquire such properties. Lands are relatively cheap at Ogurugu, but it would certainly appreciate in value once the Ogurugu seaport Enugu or the Ogurugu naval base takes shape.

Commercial Renewal

The Ogurugu community and its environs would certainly get back to its past glory. The strategic placement of the water body is still very significant. This Ogurugu River, which happens to be a tributary of the Niger River, is a vital future of the Enugu State and Nigerian maritime industry as, through the River, access to the sea would be a reality for Enugu State. The Ogurugu River is also navigable throughout the year, promising uninterrupted sailing.

This navigable waterbody then would create opportunities in the shipping industry as not only does it connect to the sea through the Niger and its numerous deltas, but it is also strategic for Northward shipping as the Niger is navigable up to Kogi and also connectable to Benue through the River Benue. Apart from Kogi and Benue, the Ogurugu River also offers potential for further Northward shipping as the Niger River is navigable up to Kaduna, although not throughout the year. With this potential of the Ogurugu River and should the Ogurugu seaport Enugu project be pursued, investors could hope to enter inland and international shipping using the channel.

Potential Security Assurance

Physical security is very important in any venture; naturally, anyone contemplating investing in any place would consider the safety of such an investment. Investors need not worry so much about such physical safety regarding the Ogurugu seaport Enugu or naval base facility, as siting the naval bases in the vicinity would create an atmosphere of safety. This is coupled with the welcoming and peaceful nature of the people of the Uzouwani local government where the Ogurugu seaport Enugu used to be or would be perhaps one is built.

Cost of living and food accessibility

Nsukka generally is an agrarian society; however, Uzowani local government takes it further by being a chiefly agricultural community. This Agricultural activity is prominent in the community, given irrigation farming around the Ogurugu river areas, guaranteeing food security. With the revitalization of the Ogurugu seaport Enugu, the food produced in the environs would provide cheap food and even extra for export, leveraging the river shipping channel.

A potentially planned settlement

Urbanization could sometimes be disorganized, especially when an emerging township is unplanned; with the Ogurugu seaport vicinity being pre-planned, there are chances of organized settlement with the strategic arrangement, thereby promising ease of movement, ease of access to vital facilities and general mobility, town efficient administration and ease of doing business.

The abundance of Natural resources may spur industrialization and government presence.

The defunct Ogurugu seaport Enugu existed in a place today discovered to be filled with mineral resources. One such mineral resource is crude oil; perhaps it is ascertained that the crude oil in the said area is of commercial quantity; the presence of the mineral resources would attract both industrial and government presence. This should motivate interested individuals to invest in the area as it has many factors that guarantee a sustainable and growing environment.


The revitalization of the Ogurugu seaport Enugu and business settlement is taking shape; one may wait until it begins to thrive, while others may be part of the early bird and secure a stake in the community while it is still easy and much more profitable. So far as the revitalization of the formally thriving business town is being pursued. We can assure you that it is a great endeavor to be part of it at this early stage as such, we encourage investment in the area.

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